So little time...
Well, we haven't been home this week... Sam and I anyway! We left Tuesday to go to the lake (Nanny was there), then we drove with Mama and Daddy to take Nanny back to Albany and back to the lake again on Wednesday. Now, I'm not much of a "rider" - I don't do well for more than about 2 hours in the car - I did pretty good, but I was DONE with the car by the time we got back, so Sam and I spent the night at the lake again. On the way back from Albany, we stopped in Cordele - the Watermelon Capital of the World... yummy - bought a couple of those at the Farmer's Market! Stopped at every Dollar Store between Albany and Lake Oconee looking for this specific self-tanning lotion that colors well, but doesn't make you look orange (those are hard to come by - they either "tan" your hands and make you look like an orange-skinned indian, or they smell so bad that people can smell you from a mile away, and it just screams out that "I HAD TO USE A SELF-TANNER BECAUSE I'M NOT CAPABLE OF A DECENT TAN ON MY OWN!!!") Anyway, I, by chance, found some good stuff last year, and now it seems to be discontinued... that's just how those things go with me!
Woa... that was a complete left turn - back to the subject...
Sam was a perfect little angel all day in the car!!!!! He did great! Well, he slept with Mama and Daddy that night, and aparently woke up at 4:30 am to eat, and didn't really go back to sleep! I, however, went to be at 10:30 and didn't wake up until about 10 on Thursday!!!!! Sleep was so wonderful... I think I had hit the wall from my new mommy high, and realized that I was TIRED!!!!! Well, aparently Sam had Mama and Daddy up and they were trying to keep him from waking me up - I heard him, but just thought he was "talking" to them - well, he was, he just didn't have anything nice to say!!!! Well, once I got ready for the day and was ready to head home, Sam was still fussy... he CRIED - and cried HARD for about 1 1/2 hours of the hour and 45 min. drive home! I finally called BJ and just conversated with him to try and tune Sam out - there was nothing I could do!!!!!! That had to be a nice conversation from that end!!!
Aren't really good days always followed by those kind of days????
We went to Anna and Josh's for dessert for Ms. Kathy's birthday Thursday night... it was great to see all of them - I miss seeing them as often!!!!!! Kimberly - the chocolate cake was TO DIE for!!!!!!! Sarah Grace and Charlotte are getting so big, and are absolutely adorable!!!!! Cathy is still the cutest preggy woman I have ever seen!!!!!! Judge still gives the best hugs!!!! LOVE Anna and Josh's house!!!!! Sam had recovered from his meltdown, and was fairly good while we were there!!!

BJ's dad and Inny came to the house on Friday night. Inny cooked and brought it - yummy meatloaf - and not a bad gig to have someone come to you with home cookin!!!! BJ is lucky they were there when he got home, b/c I would have chewed him a new something if it had just been the two of us... I had called his cell phone EIGHT TIMES, and his voicemail said that he was on the other line!!!!! I finally left him a message that said, "I hope you're ok, and if you are, I am really mad and you better have a good excuse. I'm sure you do, but call me back NOW!" Now, I feel that showed great restraint on my part... props here, please!!!!! I simmered down before he got home - but he said that he dreaded getting home the whole ride home!!!! GOOD!!!!!! I had not showered, brushed my teeth, fed Sam, OR pumped and BJ's dad called at 4:30 (yes, in the pm) saying they were on the way - I was in the middle of washing Stormie when they called!!!!!! YIKES!!!!!! I needed reinforcements, and BJ HAD said that he was going to leave early on Friday... how can I get mad? He left at 5:15!!!!!! (Please read that last statement with a hint of sarcasm!) I did end up showered, and was feeding Sam when they arrived - and I just pumped once they got there!!!!!!
Nonetheless, I made it work - I put all FIVE of my new Mommy arms to the test!!!!!
Today, we are at the lake (yes, again) for Father's Day. Sam and I dropped BJ off at the airport, and Daddy, Bo and BJ flew down the Moultrie (South GA for the geographically challenged) to pick up Daddy's plane and back to Madison. Oh, he had to be at the airport at 8 AM... we got up at 6 am, and were running so late that I took Sam from BJ 1/2way through a bottle and let him finish getting ready and packed, we were out the door at 7:15 am - VERY good for the mommy with new baby - and we had to pack for overnight and everything!!!! I did my make-up in the car, and my hair was sopping wet... I got the wife of the day award (self-appointed, of course)!!!!
BJ's first Father's Day tomorrow... awwwww... I hope he enjoys it - how could he not with the cutest and bestest new son in the world????? Who, by the way, has been sleeping pretty much ALL DAY!!!!! Heehee... he's sleeping with Mimi and PopPop tonight too!!!!! When he wakes up, we'll try to keep him up before bedtime!!!!! I feel so guilty when he keeps them up!!!!!! Glad they love him too!!!!
OH... we did a "2 month" photo shoot of you-guessed it... Sam!!!!
Note Stormie's tail to the left of the shot... she was helping!!!!!!!

Woa... that was a complete left turn - back to the subject...
Sam was a perfect little angel all day in the car!!!!! He did great! Well, he slept with Mama and Daddy that night, and aparently woke up at 4:30 am to eat, and didn't really go back to sleep! I, however, went to be at 10:30 and didn't wake up until about 10 on Thursday!!!!! Sleep was so wonderful... I think I had hit the wall from my new mommy high, and realized that I was TIRED!!!!! Well, aparently Sam had Mama and Daddy up and they were trying to keep him from waking me up - I heard him, but just thought he was "talking" to them - well, he was, he just didn't have anything nice to say!!!! Well, once I got ready for the day and was ready to head home, Sam was still fussy... he CRIED - and cried HARD for about 1 1/2 hours of the hour and 45 min. drive home! I finally called BJ and just conversated with him to try and tune Sam out - there was nothing I could do!!!!!! That had to be a nice conversation from that end!!!
Aren't really good days always followed by those kind of days????
We went to Anna and Josh's for dessert for Ms. Kathy's birthday Thursday night... it was great to see all of them - I miss seeing them as often!!!!!! Kimberly - the chocolate cake was TO DIE for!!!!!!! Sarah Grace and Charlotte are getting so big, and are absolutely adorable!!!!! Cathy is still the cutest preggy woman I have ever seen!!!!!! Judge still gives the best hugs!!!! LOVE Anna and Josh's house!!!!! Sam had recovered from his meltdown, and was fairly good while we were there!!!

BJ's dad and Inny came to the house on Friday night. Inny cooked and brought it - yummy meatloaf - and not a bad gig to have someone come to you with home cookin!!!! BJ is lucky they were there when he got home, b/c I would have chewed him a new something if it had just been the two of us... I had called his cell phone EIGHT TIMES, and his voicemail said that he was on the other line!!!!! I finally left him a message that said, "I hope you're ok, and if you are, I am really mad and you better have a good excuse. I'm sure you do, but call me back NOW!" Now, I feel that showed great restraint on my part... props here, please!!!!! I simmered down before he got home - but he said that he dreaded getting home the whole ride home!!!! GOOD!!!!!! I had not showered, brushed my teeth, fed Sam, OR pumped and BJ's dad called at 4:30 (yes, in the pm) saying they were on the way - I was in the middle of washing Stormie when they called!!!!!! YIKES!!!!!! I needed reinforcements, and BJ HAD said that he was going to leave early on Friday... how can I get mad? He left at 5:15!!!!!! (Please read that last statement with a hint of sarcasm!) I did end up showered, and was feeding Sam when they arrived - and I just pumped once they got there!!!!!!
Nonetheless, I made it work - I put all FIVE of my new Mommy arms to the test!!!!!
Today, we are at the lake (yes, again) for Father's Day. Sam and I dropped BJ off at the airport, and Daddy, Bo and BJ flew down the Moultrie (South GA for the geographically challenged) to pick up Daddy's plane and back to Madison. Oh, he had to be at the airport at 8 AM... we got up at 6 am, and were running so late that I took Sam from BJ 1/2way through a bottle and let him finish getting ready and packed, we were out the door at 7:15 am - VERY good for the mommy with new baby - and we had to pack for overnight and everything!!!! I did my make-up in the car, and my hair was sopping wet... I got the wife of the day award (self-appointed, of course)!!!!
BJ's first Father's Day tomorrow... awwwww... I hope he enjoys it - how could he not with the cutest and bestest new son in the world????? Who, by the way, has been sleeping pretty much ALL DAY!!!!! Heehee... he's sleeping with Mimi and PopPop tonight too!!!!! When he wakes up, we'll try to keep him up before bedtime!!!!! I feel so guilty when he keeps them up!!!!!! Glad they love him too!!!!
OH... we did a "2 month" photo shoot of you-guessed it... Sam!!!!
Note Stormie's tail to the left of the shot... she was helping!!!!!!!

Since Stormie was helping, she HAD to get in the pictures too... Sam looks like he's about to take off or kick Stormie one!!!!!!!And he's spent....
This is from awhile back, but this is where Sam first found his thumb!!!! How cute!!!
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