Two Months of Motherhood
I can't believe Sam is two months old - actually 9 weeks old today! How time has flown! The cloak of motherhood has come over me, although I like to refer to it as the cloak of "Mommy-dumb" =)
That being said, I was just musing over the things I have learned in the past 9 weeks and thought they would be fun to share:
That being said, I was just musing over the things I have learned in the past 9 weeks and thought they would be fun to share:
- Spit happens... don't bother changing your shirt (unless you're going somewhere) because it's going to happen again, and it's the most beautiful perfume you could ever put on!
- Tee Tee and Poo happen too... and their smell is a wonderful smell too - mainly because it means your baby is not backed up and fussy; however, I DO recommend changing if those happen onto your clothes!
- Pampers not Huggies... refer to earlier blog with BJ's picture with the thousands of diapers!
- Little baby wash rags are perfect to keep on your changing table for little boys when changing them - simply place over his peepee, and it soaks any squirt that may happen along... however, they have been known to slip off if you're not paying attention, and then your fingers work just fine to redirect the teetee!!!!! Either way, it's pretty funny when you realize your boy has range! Those rags shouldn't then be used at bathtime until they have been washed!!! =)
- The hair drier or vacuum cleaner (or anything with the general loud hum) is great for putting them to sleep... who knew????????
- Feed your baby until he's satisfied (my parents get full credit for this realization - and they were quite patient since it took me 2 months to come to this conclusion!) If he were eating off of me, he would be eating until he stopped anyway...
- The "Book" is not always right - they're a good starting point, but, at the end of the day, you know your baby best and must do what HE needs (and you for your sanity!)
- It's HIS baby too... it's not all up to me, and I shouldn't feel guilty letting or asking BJ to do anything. That being said, BJ gets major kudos here... he really WANTS to take care of Sam and help me - yes, it's my full-time job, but he gets to leave work at night and on the weekends; mine never stops - he can help sometimes, and I shouldn't feel guilty that he does!
- If your back or your head hurts, TAKE SOMETHING (that seems obvious, but Mama had to point that out to me!!!!!!) See, mommy-DUMBS!!!!
- HOLD YOUR BABY... as long as you want and as much as you want. Let him sleep on your chest - that is the most precious thing in the world, and you'll never get these moments back. AND, he's almost too big to lay on my chest!!!!! =( Enjoy those sweet times - the world can wait!
- Get out of the house. Even if it's just to the bank to visit! =) You need adult interaction!
- Jazzy chairs aren't that bad - and kind of fun at that!
- Take lots of pictures - and with you in them too... that's all you'll have left!!!
- Don't make him wear the same clothes over and over so as not to mess up his "cute" outfits for outings... he'll outgrow them before he wears them out!
- That being said, do a load of laundry everyday... otherwords, you'll get yourself way behind!
- Have him wear an "easy-off" outfit to the dr. As soon as you get there, you undress them and don't redress them until you're ready to leave!
- When he's sleeping in the cradle and starts fidgeting... he's probably NOT awake - it's just you, and he will settle himself down more than likely - no need to move him or put him in bed with you to calm him down! SOMETIMES, though, that IS necessary!!!!!
- Accept any and all help/food offered. (Thank you Melissa for the uninterrupted shower-time, and Mama and Daddy for the numerous nights off and the Sunday afternoon off, and the vacation - and all of you who brought food... I'm so spoiled and lucky!!!)
- Even the most spoiled dogs will adjust! Stormie has actually given Sam kisses, and would LOVE to play with him!!!! They're so cute!
- Grandparents will tell you when to take him back! (If you go longer than a day, though, he will grow and be noticeably bigger the next time you hold him!)
- It really is a love that you can't describe, and it grows and grows!
- GRIPE WATER... thank you Jenny!!!!!!!! Helps gas, is expensive, but totally worth it!!!! New Baby Products in Snellville is the only place that has it; however, DOES have it for half the cost with free shipping!!!!
- If he cries, there's a reason... start eliminating diapers, hunger, gas, etc. Rarely would you find that he's crying to cry - just sometimes you can't solve the problem right away!
- Bouncy Seat is our friend!
This list is not to say that I have it all down, just merely observations and real-life conclusions I have come up with - I still have the Mommy-dumbs, but I'm having a blast figuring it all out!!!!!!
At 8:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hey, Sweet Tammy!
I've been meaning to write since your very first blog entry, just to say that I LOVE YOUR BLOG! Remembering those days of being a new mother, I really don't know how you find the time to do it, but then - it's probably a pretty good "outlet" for a new mom, right?!?!? I do follow it closely - I'm what Kimberly refers to as a "blog stalker" - but I do it for the healthiest of reasons!! Please know that I am SO proud of you - you're doing such a GREAT JOB. We still want to find some time to get together with ya'll - I'll bring dinner one night and we can just chill and catch up - and I, of course, will hold Sam the ENTIRE time!! We miss ya'll terribly, and think of you every day...
Much, much love!
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