Vacation Success
We're back; we made it, and we're all still in one piece! I really didn't want to leave because it was so relaxing, but that's probably because Mama and Daddy took care of Sam the whole time! Quality grandbaby time! I went to the pool everyday - and BJ went with me the couple of days he was there. We went to the beach for a photo op of Sam... he's so photogentic!
Here we are on the way... yup, Sam needed to eat!!!
Sam at the pool - he needed to take his shirt off - he was hot, and wanted to show off his big ole milk belly!
Sam in his swimmies and his sun hat - ready for the pool!

I can't believe I put this picture on here, but it was Sam's first excursion into the pool (although he didn't actually FEEL the water!!!)

His future's so bright...

Our little family at the beach... for the first time!!!
Very cool photo op for Sam - as you can see, he was having nothing of it!!!!
We came back Tuesday, but BJ was working late, and we got in later in the evening, so Sam and I spent the night at Mama and Daddy's. Then, Sam and I left around noon on Wednesday - Mama rode with us as far as the farm (Sam was a little fussy, because he needed to have a poo). Bo was there, and invited us to his house for pizza (and to see his new t.v. - which is VERY nice and clear, and to see his straightened garage). So, we detoured by Monroe on our continued trek home. BJ was working late again, so, again, I wasn't in a hurry to get home... in the end our two hour drive home took about eight!!! Retirement is great, huh? It's pretty nice to be able to take our time and be on our own schedule... well, let's be honest - SAM'S schedule!!!!

Well, Sam hit a growth spurt this past week... he weighs over 10 pounds now! He had gotten to where he was pretty fussy - even after he ate, which was beginning to be more frequent! SO, my parents, in their infinite wisdom, suggested feeding the poor baby more. SO, we fed him, and he ate SEVEN ounces of milk - SEVEN - he had been eating FOUR!!!!!!! My poor baby! I realize that this is probably a lot for a two month old, but he now goes 5-7 hours between feedings consistently... and we did the math: eating 4 ounces every three hours is the same amount of milk as him eating 7 ounces every 5 hours. We now have a happy baby! He will sit and coo and "play" peek-a-boo with us; he notices when we move things or rattle things in front of him and follows them really well now! He is growing up so fast!!!! I picked him up, and realized that I had missed a day or so of holding him, and he had grown in just a day!!!!
With the increased amount of milk, Bessy, as I am affectionately referred to as, couldn't keep up, so we had to supplement with formula - just a couple of ounces per bottle. Now, though, I am keeping up and producing enough to keep little (not so much anymore) Sam happy!
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