My Take on Life...

What's going on in my world...

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

All in God's Plan

I know it's true... it IS all in God's plan, but why would He "plan"/allow bad things to happen like this???? Mrs. Ewing's body was found by dogs this afternoon over in Paulding County. The family is a mess, as is Melissa - rightfully so! Why her? Why now? WHY?????? It's so not fair! She has a family that loves her that she will never get to see her children marry or her grandchildren; and they, in turn, are robbed of having their mother present at those happy times in their lives, and in the times where you just need to reach out and get a hug from mommy - there's just no one that can replace a mother and her touch and her words!

The positive side (if there is one) is that she was a believer, and is now in Heaven looking down on all of us - happier than ever. I am very sure/confident in my faith, but it's times like this that could make you question your faith. But, as I like to explain it to my 10th and 11th grade girls. Faith is just that - you take that "step" into the unknown, and you go with it. You have to just trust that God is at work, and it was her time to go home. Now, I'm sure those words are hard to swallow for this family, and it's not necessarily what they want to hear, but we all still know it's truth.

Please continue to pray for this family - they need it now more than ever!!!!

On a lighter note, Sam and I went to see BJ at work and out to lunch with him. Sam was able to see where his Daddy works! I was walking out the door, and realized that my pendant had fallen off my necklace (the one Sam gave me for Mother's Day), which I luckily found within five or 10 minutes. I got in the car, started driving, then sat on 316 for half an hour. Finally got to Buckhead, and all the traffic lights WERE NOT WORKING!!!!! And all those "crazy Atlanta drivers" don't "remember" that traffic lights that aren't working are to be treated as a four-way stop... finally get to BJ's office, we parade Sam around - as the proud parents are supposed to. We go to Frontera for lunch, and it takes them AN HOUR to get our order out to us!!!! We jump back in the car and go back to BJ's office, where I'm going to go in and feed Sam; realize that I left my phone at the restaurant (because I am waiting for Melissa's call)! We tell BJ bye, jump back in the car and run back to Frontera, have the sweet Mexican man turn the table over (literally) to look for my phone - he even called it from his phone - to no avail. As I'm leaving, he tells me he'll call me if they find it (I chuckle to myself because he has my CELL #). Get back to the car, look through my purse AGAIN, and there it is!!!!!! THEN, Sam is crying, so I feed him in the parking lot - yes in Atlanta!!!! Finally get on the road and head back home - down Roswell Rd so as to avoid the traffic light problem. That's when I get a hold of Melissa and get the news of Mrs. Ewing. Then, I'm on the phone with Mama and get on 285 - the WRONG way!!!!!!! I am at 75 when I realize it, so I had to go to Cobb Pkwy before turning around. I get turned around and headed home (again), sit through more traffic, and YAY - I'm home. I'm not leaving. I am staying here!!!! Thank the Lord, Sam is sleeping right now!!!!!! I am wiped out!!!!!

Pray for the Ewings... and I'll just stay put!!!!!!!!!!


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