We are childless... and it's our Anniversary
Sam had a major blowout poo before Mama and Daddy even got him home (we met them in Watkinsville). Mama had to change his diaper in the car (in the Wal-Mart parking lot), and take his outfit off of him, and he rode the rest of the way home naked (he had an outfit in his diaper bag, but it was dangerously close to feeding time too!!!!!)!!!!!!! Well, they got home and began feeding him - sounds like he was "pretty insistant" that he eat IMMEDIATELY - and he pooed AGAIN!!!!!! Not a blowout, but very close and huge nonetheless!!!!! So here's Sam's song to them:
"And I'm saving all my poo for you..." (Please envision Whitney Houston's voice and not mine here!!!!)
Well, the reason Sam is with his grandparents is because today is mine and BJ's 5th Anniversary!!!! Five years... wow! How time has flown - and how our love has grown for each other!!!!!
What I've learned in five years of marriage:
- Yes, you can love one person forever.
- Yes, your love DOES grow more and more everyday - just when you think you couldn't love them anymore than you already do - you DO!!!!!!!
- At least one of you needs to NOT be emotionally charged when an argument breaks out.
- If you read your Bible daily, you are more apt to be said sane person during said argument - if not, you're totally busted!
- Read your Bible together every night - and say your prayers together. Do we always do this? No. But when we do, we're invincible! (Looks like we would do it all the time, huh?)
- If he has to work late, be supportive - which may sometimes require a "white lie" such as --- I understand, and That's OK. It does nothing but make him worry and have a harder time at work if he thinks you're mad too... and, when he does get home, it wouldn't be enjoyable then either!!!!!
- Surprise each other often - whether it's what you say, or what you do.
- Have a baby - yes, that has brought us so much closer (while coming "between" us at the same time). But it's the best gift you could ever give your spouse!
- Learn to argue... and just so we're all on the same page - SHE is ALWAYS right! That will make BOTH your lives SO MUCH easier!!!!! But, if she lets him be right every now and then, it does wonders for his ego!
- Tell them you love them everytime you talk to them. And especially before you go to sleep at night!
- Never go to bed angry.
- Don't take road trips longer than 6-7 hours - just don't... trust me, we learned this our first year of marriage!!!!!!!
- Vacation at least once a year - even if it's just to Lake Lanier or Atlanta or somewhere close. Get away from home together!
- Even if you agree to not do something for an anniversary or Valentine's day or something - buy a card at least (guys are so literal sometimes!!!!)
- It's ok to be blunt - don't always beat around the bush... just say what you mean!
- When a man says something, that's more-than-likely what he means, and there's more-than-likely no hidden meaning behind it! When a woman says something, there is always a hidden meaning behind it, and it's up to the man to crack the code.
- Be each other's best friend.
BJ, darling, I love you, and you light up my world. You are the bestest husband ever. Thank you for always opening doors for me - including the car doors; thank you for loving me through my "ugly" moments; thank you for calming me when I need it, for being my confidant, and for your sound advice. Thank you for telling me I'm beautiful - even when I've just had a baby and am swollen and look like I weigh 200 lbs! Thank you for my son and for being the best daddy ever (along with mine of course)... but I'm not surprised that you are because you're the best husband in the world!!!!!
At 12:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Happy, happy anniversary to the Laterveers!! What a beautiful tribute to your husband, Tammy! I know if BJ had a blog he'd do the same for you - but then, he's always been good at expressing his love for you no matter where you are or who's in the room. Ya'll are a model couple, and we will always count it among our most precious gifts to know you and walk through life together as we have. We just love you both so very much...
And kudos to you for letting Sam spend, not just one - but TWO nights with his grandparents!! Remember, they've done this before and he'll be just fine! Remember: the very best gift you can give your child(ren) is to love each other more and more and more!
We love The Laterveers!!! Have a great rest-of-your-anniversary!!!
"Judge" and Kathy
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