My Take on Life...

What's going on in my world...

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Sam's Four Month Photos

Well, I took the bull by the horns and attempted another photo shoot on my own...

That being said, I think it was rather successful - less and except the tee tee on the carpet!!!! Well, I will put a pad down on the floor under the "set-up" next time!!!! And, of course, Stormie was there to help! Sam was really good for this one! Maybe now, BJ will be able to help me tonight with the "clothed" session!!!!!!!

Here is the adorable subject...

This isn't from the photo shoot, but he's finding his thumb more and more and it's so dog gone cute.

He fell asleep here, and I DO NOT know how it could be comfortable!!!! I tried to put him back up, but he kept tilting forward!


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