My Take on Life...

What's going on in my world...

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Black and White

Sam has become an active little bugger these days... well, not that he wasn't before, but he just changes and grows more and more everyday! Yesterday, we went swimming... well, I didn't, but he did - in the bath tub!!! He just love laying there and kicking the water - it doesn't even bother him when the water splashes in his face!!!!

And I bought some material to sew a blanket for him to play on. He rolls off of his play mat in no time (and we all remember how he folds himself up in it so well!!!), so I thought I would just "whip" him up a big blanket!!!! Yeah, right!!!!! It took a couple of days (in between baby - and my not-so-professional seamstressing), but I finished it. It looks aweful! The ends look absolutely terrible where I attempted to sew them; however, they ARE in fact sewn and not unraveling, so it serves its purpose!!!!!!! Sam likes it - as does Stormie... here they are on the make-shift blanket while I was sewing - they were sleeping...

Aren't they cute???? And they are not posed - that's how Sam fell asleep, and Stormie came and got that close to him to sleep too... ahhhh... she really does like him - sometimes!!!

We took up a role of black and white film with BJ's good camera... we got some really good pictures!!!!
I'm with Kimberly in feeling that I don't photograph well, however, I will take this one - I really like how it turned out!!!!!!It's hard to tell, but BJ and Sam are wearing matching outfits - cut-off camo shorts and a white Polo shirt - they were SO CUTE!!!!!


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