My Take on Life...

What's going on in my world...

Thursday, August 10, 2006

UNcontrolled Chaos

Kimberly has controlled chaos... mine is uncontrolled!!!!!! And I only have one... that can't even talk yet!!!!!

Let me start, though, with the doctor update...

Sam now weighs 16 pounds and 11 ounces. That's exactly 10 pounds more than his birth weight! When pulling him in and out of the car, it feels like 10 tons!!!! He is 25 inches long now (Beth's guess for how long Kaden would be when he's born =), which is ONE INCH away from outgrowing his current carseat!!!!??? YIKES!!!! And I had a hard time with the diapers... you can only imagine what this is doing to me! AND, Sam is to start solids now... the introduction of all the veggies and fruits! Alrighty then... no problem!!!!???

He got 3 more shots, and didn't even realize it until after the 2nd one! Such a brave boy!

NOW, today...

Sam woke me up at 4 am, but just because he was moving around. I didn't have to get him or anything... but then BJ's alarm started going off, and he snoozed for an hour or so - I finally had to KINDLY tell him that Sam started wimpering everytime his alarm went off!!!! He EVENTUALLY got the picture and turned it off. So, needless to say, it went like this: ALARM BLARING, wait, BJ does nothing, punch BJ, he hits snooze, Sam is stirring, Sam calms down, I start drifting, ALARM BLARING... and so it went!!!!!!!!!!!! I finally got up at 6 to get Sam's bottle ready (and his big boy cereal) then went to pump.

Sam didn't actually wake up until seven, so that's when I gave him his bottle and we had our first adventure with spoon feeding (cereal this morning)...

Here we are - ready mom!!!!! (I didn't even take his jammies off!)

Bite #1 - we're going in...Still attempting to go in... (might help if I put the camera down =)Got it - he doesn't look too happy about it!!!! He has a ceral beard!!! Goin' in again... and yes, I did finally put the camera down!!!!!!After a few bites like these, I pulled out the cereal bottle that the doctor said NOT to use, and used it anyway... she said he would enjoy it more with the spoon - you be the judge!!!! He REALLY enjoyed it out of the bottle and sucked it dry... baby steps... =)

Well, I took off Sam's jammies because he seemed warm, gave him some more Tylenol since he had shots yesterday, and I put him in his crib while I showered and got ready. He was fussy and grumpy, but FINALLY went onto sleep. When I went to get him up, he was burning up. Temp was 101 - my baby's first fever!!!! Side effect of the shots, I know, but still bad for Mommy. I had made plans with a co-worker from my first job for lunch, so I decided to keep the date (after about three different conversations with Mama!). Did that - and his fever never broke. Gave him more Tylenol and called the doctor. They told me to alternate Tylenol and Motrin. That's what we're doing now...

His temp has gone down to 99.8, and he's not radiating the heat quite as bad... so I believe it's getting better!

When we got home, we did Sam Lunch... Milk then sweet potatoes! The spoon feeding went much better this time - he was actually opening his mouth when he saw the spoon! He loved them - and the only reason he stopped is because he had a doodie!!!! (Yes, Sam has crossed over from poopies to doodies - from smelling sweet like Mommy to smelling like a big boy - like Daddy!) I was going to set up the video camera for his first taste of real food, but decided to just do it with no cameras since he wasn't feeling well! I'll get him tomorrow!!!!! In the midst of the fever, the feeding, and the doodie, it starts storming... Stormie is scared of thunder now, so she was whining and wanting in my lap while everything else was going on - see, UNcontrolled!!!!!!!

Sam is so smart - and he wasn't even too messy!!!!! HeeHeeHee - I think my kid is smart because he opened his mouth for a spoon!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)

More random pictures...

Stormie being scared of thunder again, so she needed her daddy!
Another "cool" Sam pose...


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