My Take on Life...

What's going on in my world...

Wednesday, August 16, 2006



My internet is down... ok, it's really my neighbor's internet - yes, we have been the cheap-skates doing that whole borrowing of the internet bit!!!! I think they have moved or something! Why would they go and do something like that???? I haven't been online since FRIDAY!!!!!!! I am going absolutely insane. This is how bad it is... I am currently standing out on my deck in my PJ's to get some semblance of a connection so I can check my email and blog! Yes, blog... thanks Melissa - I am now addicted! (ok, so I have been addicted for quite awhile now! =)

How sad is that? And Sam, well, he's inside on his playmat - probably crying!!!!

That's it - my update - I must get back inside...

I will tell this quick story, though:) This morning, I was "cooking" Sam's breakfast (cereal bottle and the milk bottle), and had him in his swing. I didn't strap him in because it's a quick thing, and "not really necessary." I can see him from the kitchen, so no biggie. I looked up, and he's fine. Look back up a few minutes later, his feet are dragging the floor, his head is where his butt should be, and he is doing a back bend out of the swing!!!!!! OH MY!!!!!!! Well, I now strap him in - with both straps!!!!!! Bad Mommy!!!!!

Oh! And our air conditioner went bananas on us last night, so Sam, Stormie and I are sweating it out today on top of everything else (and running the fan - those of you that know me, know that I NEVER run the fans... they are just for looks! =)! Never fear, the air dude is coming - between 12 and 5... oh, so reliable in our time of need! At least the upstairs one is working... for now - since it's got double-duty!!!!!

Hopefully now BJ will get me some DSL... got lots of pictures to post!!!!! I can't believe I'm on the internet - it's like a drug to me right now! I'm giddy with excitement!!! I don't want to quit!!!! =)


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