My Take on Life...

What's going on in my world...

Saturday, August 26, 2006

It's just for cautions...

Well, we are Samless! He is with Mimi and Pop Pop, and each time we talk to them they have a cute story, or we hear him in the background talking to them! They say their cheeks hurt from smiling so much! How wonderful that they love him and want to spend time with him like they do! It sounds like they're having a good time!

BJ and I haven't really seen each other today... I woke up at 8 and pumped, drank coffee caught up on my two missed weeks of blog stalking of friends - Beth, update yours, please!!!! =) BJ got up about 9:30, and I had to get into the shower to get ready for a breast cancer fashion show and fund raiser.

It was a blast, and Ms. Kathy did a WONDERFUL job with it. Everything went perfectly smoothly (yes, that is now a term), and it all looked so good! Kimberly did a wonderful job on a reading that she wrote (cancer survivors actually read it)! The food was great too! The ticket said to dress in pink, so, since pink is one of my favorites and I had a closet full, I went all out. I had on pink pants, pink shirt, pink jewelry, pink toenails and fingernails, pink flip flops, and a pink scarf. The only thing I didn't do was wear pink hair - well, that was the only thing I needed to put me over the edge! Well, I tried!!!! I felt like a little kid whose mom let her pick her own clothes out, and so I wore all pink because it was my favorite!? It was/is a great cause, and I am sure they raised way more money than the goal they set! I'm always excited to be a part of something bigger than myself! Thank you to Ms. Kathy for letting me be a part of it!!!

We got Sam's Cow-moo-flage carseat yesterday, and BJ and I tried it out this morning. As I sat, I asked the weight limit - which is 60 lbs. I told BJ, "That's just for cautions." Luckily I didn't break it, but I would have died if I had broken this $280 carseat!!!!!!! What was I thinking????

Stormie is loving being an only child again. She's a little grumpy lately - lack of attention, I am afraid. She has her good days and her not-so-happy-can-you-take-him-back days!!!!!!!!

Off for an evening of friends... I'm sure I'll have plenty of pictures to post from his stay at the lake!!!!!!


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