My Take on Life...

What's going on in my world...

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Can we remember the days?

Well, since I had a house-full of teenage girls last weekend, and I find myself quickly approaching 30 (well, I turn 27 tomorrow), I feel the need to reminisce about "childhood" and the teenage years...

My brother put it best when my mom asked us a couple of years ago what our favorite memory of childhood was (he's 17 months older than me, for the record). As you're reading, Disney World, Utah, Colorado, Florida, Mexico, 4-wheelers, Sea Doos, 1st cars, etc are popping into your mind... here was Bo's profound assessment (and I truly mean profound): "Riding our bikes in circles for hours in the cul-de-sac." Please, take a moment and reflect... it's genius!!!! Explanation: we had not a care or worry in the world - we just rode (and dodged the pebbles that could possibly knock you off your perfect rhythm). Money was not an issue, nor were bills, aches and pains, cleaning, fear of offending others or hurting their feelings - as a child, we could "get away" with saying anything - and we always had plenty of clothes, always had plenty of food, played whatever sport we desired, played outside all day, while the house was clean, the clothes were washed, and dinner was cooked (or bought - as Mama didn't really cook much then - can you tell we had her pretty busy!?). And we never looked at price tags or thought about what it would cost for whatever it was we were doing! I could go on and on...

Teenage years brought more of the same bliss - but did I recognize that or stop to appreciate that? I wish I could say I did, but, if I did, it was rare! Boys and girlfriends enter to cause us to lose some of the childhood "carefreeness" (that's Tammy-nese, for those unfamiliar). Our best friend loves us and hates us - our world may be ending. That guy we had a crush on won't give us the time of day - regardless of how ridiculous I try to make myself look in front of him! Many tears, but yet the "real world" still has not even touched our childhood blissful peace that has surrounded us our entire lives!

I would like to say that I am not THAT far removed from the college days, but it has been almost FIVE years since I graduated!!!! What??? Where??? How??? Even though college brought on more responsibility, all I REALLY had to be concerned with was getting good grades. Everything else showed up - I may have started paying attention to those price tags, but only to be sure there was enough in the account to cover that particular purchase at that time. Not purchasing it was not a question!!!!!!! Graduation (and marriage) brought on the bills - which was like "playing house" at first, until it finally hits you that what you have is what you have - and, OH, a budget may be a good idea!!!!!!!

Here I am, turning 27 tomorrow (I still contest that I am YOUNG), having a baby of my own next month and still feeling like a child myself (which I am A-OK with)!!!! I want Sam to be able to live in that childhood bliss for as long as possible! I am sure there will be frustrating times where I want him to realize that "money doesn't grow on trees," (right, Mom and Dad??? =) but, my goal will be for him to experience that blissful peace and "carefreeness" (that's a good word) as long as he can!

We'll have to check out his blog in 27 years to see how I did... although Blogs will certainly be outdated - who knows? Computers and the internet may be outdated by then!!!!????

Another year older - wiser? Probably not!!!


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