My Take on Life...

What's going on in my world...

Monday, March 27, 2006

Riley Michael

Highlights from the weekend:

- BJ and I got up at 7:30 AM (ok, I did; BJ got up at 8ish) because a lady was coming to give us an estimate/clean our house at 9. Didn't work out that she cleaned, but there's still hope...
- We're up and dressed, so we took BJ's truck to get the oil changed - he fed me and took me to Babies R Us while we waited. Another $100 plus... we can't keep doing this!!!! =)
- The afternoon was spent in the nursery with me in a chair and my feet up (Stormie passed out on my legs, which put them to sleep), while BJ put stuff in drawers and straightened and organized everything! (My husband is the best and sweetest ever!!!)
- We cooked (ok, BJ cooked) steaks, potatoes and fresh squash - yummy dinner!
- More time with my feet up on the couch... after I melted down on BJ yet again! These hormones have got to go!!!
- Sunday morning, we skipped 9:30 church, but BJ and I got up and he made me pancakes for breakfast (my Minnie Mouse pancake was adorable yet delicious).
- Went to church - everyone is so sweet... they tell me how good I look! I just hope the church doesn't burn down with all the "lying" going on!!!!!
- BJ went to work Sunday afternoon, while I took a nap then packed my bag for the hospital! I can't believe I'm close enough to have to think about packing already!!!
- Sunday night, BJ met me back at church, and we did the high school thing - they're always so fun... and, yes, Taylor gets a shout-out for telling me I have elephant legs! Oh, yes, he did!!! It made me laugh, though - not cry! It's Taylor!!!

We needed a relaxing weekend with no engagements - just us on our schedule. We are going to attempt to go out to my parents' next weekend and spend some time with them... Mama and I are a little nervous about being 2 hours from the hospital - more so since I just found out that Stacey (due FOUR DAYS before I am) had her baby yesterday!!!!

Yes, Riley Michael is here - he weighed 4 lbs. 9 oz. and was born 03/26/06 at 12:30 pm. Mom and baby are good - I'm going to visit them tonight, so I don't know why he was so early except that he was ready to see his mommy and daddy!

=( I have pictures - just can't get them to post... I'm working on it! =(


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