My Take on Life...

What's going on in my world...

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Eli Graham Beverly

The Beverlys have finally met their little Eli... here are some pictures of them in Guatemaula with Eli! Hopefully, they will be bringing him home with them in a month or so... my heart aches for them, but God is with them and He is their strength - there is just no other way to explain it!

I teared up when I saw the pictures! Be sure to keep them in your prayers - they are having to hand Eli back to his foster parents this afternoon, and then fly back home...

Mattie, Beth, Eli... we love you so very much!!!! Congratulations! (Sorry the pictures are a little small!?)

The day after...

Well, at least grumpy days are followed by good days...

But first, BIG NEWS... Sam graduated to his "bigger boy" bed! Yes, he slept in his crib last night - all night. He went down about 10:30 or 11, and he was OUT!!!!! I kept creeping into his room to look at him, and he was not fazed one way or another... me, however, I was struggling with it!!!!! He didn't even appear to have missed me! Our room felt so empty! I kept the monitor by me all night, and I was pretty tired, so, once I went to sleep, I slept really well - didn't hear a peep! I'm surprised - I thought I would be in and out of his room all night! All in all, I think I handled it pretty well. When I heard him wake up, I shot up immediately and went into his room - he had moved all the way up to the top of his crib and had his head right in the corner of his bumpers... something else to worry about!!!! At least he was on his back!!!!!!! GREAT - he TRAVELS in his sleep!!!!!!!!! We'll see how well I sleep tonight!!!!

Once I fed him his bottle at 5:30, I put him in the cradle next to my bed, then I moved him to my chest... I missed the little guy!!!! Baby steps... I'll get there!

Sam and I had a visit this afternoon from our bestest friend, Melissa! She is awesome, b/c she'll visit and we'll talk forever, but she'll remind me to go and shower while she takes care of Sam!!! Yes, I showered before 1 pm today... progress! Sam was all smiles, then got sleepy - hence this very cute kodak moment! Then he went to sleep for us to be able to eat lunch! What an angel...

Next, we run errands - after he eats again, of course!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Grumpy Gus

Today has been an unusually grumpier day for Sam than usual... he has slept maybe an hour of the day so far, and has cried and needed holding the rest of the time... yes, he's crying now, but I just keep readministering the paci and/or picking him up. I haven't showered or gotten ready for the day - or even brushed my teeth!!!!! It's one of those days!!!!! But, I can still say that I absolutely LOVE it!!!!

Here are the black and whites that BJ took awhile back... we finally got them developed (it was his professional film from college, and had to be sent to California to be developed!!! They don't look any better than normal black and whites to me, but I'm sure that there's a difference my "untrained eye" can't see!!!????)

Where's this peaceful little guy today???????????

Monday, June 26, 2006

Breast Milk/Feeding

OK, if a man is reading, this is rated "G" for the most part, but still, for my modestness, just don't talk to me about this entry, and we'll pretend you don't know anything about this stuff!!!! (I am aware this is on the internet, so it will remain a "G" rating!!!)

I was just feeding Sam (who is finally sleeping), and was reflecting on breast milk...

Breast Milk is an interesting substance. It's only relation to milk as we know it is that it's white. And it's more of an off-white at that! And if you eat bananas, it's a little yellower. It's oily. I know this because there was a spill not too long ago (and yes, I cried over spilled milk - that stuff is precious), and I wiped it up with a sponge. After BJ and I both at seperate times slipped and almost busted in the same spot, I realized that it had left a grease spot on the floor... who knew that even after cleaning it up it would do that? Vinegar and a mop worked wonders - FYI! (Vinegar cleans anyting - soap scum on your shower door especially!). Breast milk is also sweeter. Took a lot of courage, but I finally licked my wrist when testing Sam's bottle. Something about "eating" a substance that comes from your own body.

Creating milk also creates nicknames, and potentially a weight complex if you have little or no confidence in yourself - which thankfully I do most days! Hence my nickname of Bessie! Also, when your husband yells "Holy Cow" before he thinks when you walk out of the room from pumping (because of the amount of milk not me, I'm sure!), there's potential for said complex to resurface!!!!!

Also, when Sam cries, my boobs hurt. It's not a terrible pain (but I think all pains will be defined that way after experiencing childbirth!), but it's a pain nonetheless. I believe it's my milk "letting down." And, if he cries, so do my boobs!!!!! Craziest thing! Oh, and if I look at him and get that "Oh, he's so sweet and cute and I love him so much" feeliing - my boobs cry about that too!!!!! Lesson: wear pads at all times, and when you're not, keep a towel close by!!!!!!! =)

Onto pumping... having a "cone" attached to you that sucks you halfway across GA (Sometimes it feels more like Texas) is sometimes painful. FYI, you CAN turn down he sucsion... and it doesn't have to be wide@#& open either... yes, someone had to tell me this! I have a "Git er dun" attitude when it comes to milk production!!!!

Lanolin is to be used sparingly. No need to use it everytime and cover yourself entirely. This can lead to a yeast infection... which is extremely painful and ITCHES like CRAZY (and if you read that vinegar helps, be sure to add recommended amount of water, b/c strait vinegar makes it itch even worse and can result in a wrestling match for someone else to TRY and get you to stop scratching!!!!)

However, you must keep some type of lotion on yourself to avoid drying and cracking. Again, painful - refer to being pulled halfway across GA!!!!!!!!

Nursing the baby... it really is beautiful, but if you try to say it when he first latches on, it won't come out as more than a grunt!!!!!! He pulls you all the way to the back of his throat - that is a L-O-N-G way!!!!!! Once he gets going, though, and you kinda become numb there, it is just fine!

As he gets older, he gets stronger and his mouth gets larger... need I say more????

In my experience, I do better pumping and feeding him with a bottle. At first, it was hard to get ahead... and ounce at a time, but now I am about a day ahead, so we have four or five bottles in the fridge at all times, so, if he's hungry, he eats... and if someone else is around, they can feed him too (hence bonding time for dad and grandparents).

Despite the discomfort and time-restraints, I do highly recommend breastfeeding... for the obvious reasons for you and baby. When the baby is three days old - nurse him, but go ahead and use your pump. The books and professionals will tell you not to pump for a month so as not to mess with your production... great advice, but pumping is a quick-fix to engorgement - which you DO experience on day three or four. I was so scared to pump and was afraid that I would be producing uncontrollable amounts of milk by what I had been told - not true. Don't pump more than once a day at that point, but, for the love, pump - I wouldn't have made it past day three if I hadn't!!!!! And then, when you have visitors, you have a bottle ready so you don't have to take yourself and the baby away from them once they're there to actually spend time with... yes, the baby!!!!! Nursing every two or three hours is exhausting - timing the feedings is beginning of feeding to beginning of feeding. So, do the math. You feed him for about 30-45 min, and an hour or so later, you're at it again!!!!! Now we see why I switched to bottles!!!!!!!! I had and still have all this help, and no one could do anything because their name wasn't Bessie!!!!!!! When we got home, I pumped once a day and got about 3-4 oz. bottles, which we used at night when visitors came by, or in the wee hrs. of the morning when Mama would volunteer to feed Sam and I could sleep!!!!!!! Makes sense to me - but I was so nervous that I was setting myself up for "perma-engorgement." Again, some days were worse than others, but it all worked out and evened itself out - the body is an amazing thing here!!!!

I've got my system down now, and being the multi-tasker that I am, I work on Sam's baby book, photo albums, email, blogging, and I read my Bible everyday (God DID give us a brain, and that's the least-distractable time for me these days!!!!). If I occupy myself, I do much better pumping and not rushing myself. The trick is when I'm alone, and Sam starts crying... that gets interesting - but, again, we make it work!!!!!!

I just needed to get that off my chest (no pun intended)... books and classes only tell you so much. They don't get down to the nitty gritty - how it feels (all they say is that it's beautiful), that your boobs are constantly milking (it doesn't just magically appear when the baby's ready to eat), your boobs are sore all over, and that it's a full-time committment!!!!!!! I knew it would be work, but wow! it really is full-time. Now, when he eats, I pump... I can't miss, and he sure doesn't miss!!!!! Times are constantly running through my head!!!!!!

I will add this caveat, though... I wouldn't trade a minute of it for the world!!!!! My goal is to make it to 6 months (I'm halfway there), then I'll see if I'm up for another 6... I bet I will - and it's all thanks to the amazing help I have. If I had to pump and feed everyday and every night, no way... as it is, I only do that twice a day by myself - BJ's here to feed while I pump the other two feedings, and on the weekends!!!!! And Mama's around during the weekdays too, so it's not five days straight ever... I'm so incredibly blessed - and so is Sam!!!!!!!

We made it!

We did make it though our two childless nights unscathed!!!!! Sam is great, although he grew while he was at Mimi and Pop Pop's... and Pop Pop is convinced that Sam's diapers are "thongs" because he has a blowout pretty much everytime he poos!!!! And he became more regular while there too!!!!!!! They also discovered that he likes to ride the Mule around the yard when he's fussy (that's a diesel golf-cart-type vehicle)... guess we need to find a diesel engine for his crib too??????? =)

BJ and I made it unscathed too. As much as I love tat little guy and as much as I missed him, it was still really great to do our own thing - we laid out at the pool, went to dinner (stress-free of annoying the other restaurant patrons) at Aqua Terra - which is a quaint little restaurant in downtown Buford. It was absolutely delicious, and I can't wait to go back again!!!!

Today has been a day of Sam... for some reason, he has been a little fussier. I believe it may be cereal time. This is what he started doing when I finally got it through my thick skull to feed him more. Since he eats 8 oz. at each feeding, the next step will be the cereal. I put a teeny little bit in a bottle earlier today to be sure he doesn't have any reactions or anything... he's fine. So, tonight, I'm gonna do more and see if that doesn't help him get satisfied. These "books" and websites won't commit to an amount or a time frame (understandable on the time frame). I just want to know how much and how often... is that so much to ask????? Well, as with life - I'll just wing it!!!!! We'll just try trial and error until we find what works for our little Sammy!!!!!

Either way, he's gotta be happier about it!!!!!

To be continued.............

Friday, June 23, 2006

We are childless... and it's our Anniversary

Yes, our first evening away from our little one (who turns THREE months old today)... so, we said, why not do two nights!!!!????? So, Sam is with Mimi and Pop Pop last night and tonight!!!!! I miss that little guy! They house is so quiet... but Stormie is loving Mommy and Daddy time to herself!!! I think tonight will be much harder than last night was...

Sam had a major blowout poo before Mama and Daddy even got him home (we met them in Watkinsville). Mama had to change his diaper in the car (in the Wal-Mart parking lot), and take his outfit off of him, and he rode the rest of the way home naked (he had an outfit in his diaper bag, but it was dangerously close to feeding time too!!!!!)!!!!!!! Well, they got home and began feeding him - sounds like he was "pretty insistant" that he eat IMMEDIATELY - and he pooed AGAIN!!!!!! Not a blowout, but very close and huge nonetheless!!!!! So here's Sam's song to them:

"And I'm saving all my poo for you..." (Please envision Whitney Houston's voice and not mine here!!!!)

Well, the reason Sam is with his grandparents is because today is mine and BJ's 5th Anniversary!!!! Five years... wow! How time has flown - and how our love has grown for each other!!!!!

What I've learned in five years of marriage:

  1. Yes, you can love one person forever.
  2. Yes, your love DOES grow more and more everyday - just when you think you couldn't love them anymore than you already do - you DO!!!!!!!
  3. At least one of you needs to NOT be emotionally charged when an argument breaks out.
  4. If you read your Bible daily, you are more apt to be said sane person during said argument - if not, you're totally busted!
  5. Read your Bible together every night - and say your prayers together. Do we always do this? No. But when we do, we're invincible! (Looks like we would do it all the time, huh?)
  6. If he has to work late, be supportive - which may sometimes require a "white lie" such as --- I understand, and That's OK. It does nothing but make him worry and have a harder time at work if he thinks you're mad too... and, when he does get home, it wouldn't be enjoyable then either!!!!!
  7. Surprise each other often - whether it's what you say, or what you do.
  8. Have a baby - yes, that has brought us so much closer (while coming "between" us at the same time). But it's the best gift you could ever give your spouse!
  9. Learn to argue... and just so we're all on the same page - SHE is ALWAYS right! That will make BOTH your lives SO MUCH easier!!!!! But, if she lets him be right every now and then, it does wonders for his ego!
  10. Tell them you love them everytime you talk to them. And especially before you go to sleep at night!
  11. Never go to bed angry.
  12. Don't take road trips longer than 6-7 hours - just don't... trust me, we learned this our first year of marriage!!!!!!!
  13. Vacation at least once a year - even if it's just to Lake Lanier or Atlanta or somewhere close. Get away from home together!
  14. Even if you agree to not do something for an anniversary or Valentine's day or something - buy a card at least (guys are so literal sometimes!!!!)
  15. It's ok to be blunt - don't always beat around the bush... just say what you mean!
  16. When a man says something, that's more-than-likely what he means, and there's more-than-likely no hidden meaning behind it! When a woman says something, there is always a hidden meaning behind it, and it's up to the man to crack the code.
  17. Be each other's best friend.

BJ, darling, I love you, and you light up my world. You are the bestest husband ever. Thank you for always opening doors for me - including the car doors; thank you for loving me through my "ugly" moments; thank you for calming me when I need it, for being my confidant, and for your sound advice. Thank you for telling me I'm beautiful - even when I've just had a baby and am swollen and look like I weigh 200 lbs! Thank you for my son and for being the best daddy ever (along with mine of course)... but I'm not surprised that you are because you're the best husband in the world!!!!!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

HE POOED ON ME!!!!!!!!!

Yes, Sam had an incredibly LARGE blowout, and I felt something warm running between my legs... of course he was eating, and it wasn't the most opportune time, but when is? I had to lay him down, change my shorts AND my shirt. Low and behold, he didn't get it on his outfit at all!!!! How does that happen? Good thing I don't think his poo stinks or is that gross! Well, when it's on you, it's a little disconcerting; however, I feel that I handled it quite well - much better than BJ when Sam would projectile poop on him when he was younger!!!!!!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Random Events and Picts...

So Father's Day was a success. BJ got a keychain from Sam that's engraved "Happy Father's Day Love, Sam" --- kind of has multiple meanings (besides the obvious)... BJ gave up his truck for the better of the family and doesn't have keyless entry amongst other popular options, so he needed something on his keychain other than a key. So why not something that reminds him why he's driving what he's driving... I actually really like his car, as does he - so, as always, it could be a lot worse!!!! We bought this frame from Target, some magnetic letters, and some Craftsman kiddie tools to make Daddy a frame... turned out pretty cute, huh? I was quite proud of this creation!!!! The picture is of Daddy and Sam on the tractor!!!!! Too cute!!!!
As with all parents, we feel that our child is a genious and has progressed far quicker than other babies... so, this Johnny Jump Up that is for 4 months and older, we thought little Sam was more than ready for the challenge. Well, no, he wasn't. Johnny swallowed him, and his legs, strong as they are, weren't quite ready to jump around... heck, he's not even crawling yet!!!!!!! Again, he was cute, though, and posed for the camera...

Oh... So did Stormie!!!!! She fit much better!!!!!!

I cannot believe how alert Sam is! He enjoys someone talking to him all the time - playing games, smiling at him - which makes him smile back in a big way... yes, he's smiling because of more than gas... which he still has regularly!!!! His favorite toy is his little mat that he lays on and watches the lights - he can kick the sides to make it start again!!!! (But only if you position him just right --- I still think he's a genius!!!)

Here's Stormie showing him how it works...

He's napping better, sleeping GREAT at night - we are going 8 hrs consistently at night! I hear that's really rare for breastfed babies... I don't think my milk has any special ingredients or anything (and I'm not putting Tylenol PM into his bottle or anything =), I just think it's because I pump and feed him from a bottle, and I know he's getting 7-8 oz each feeding - hence he's FULL (like the Taco Bell commercial - I'M FULL!!!!!!)! And it's much easier and less demanding now since we're down to about 4 times a day... still demanding, just not as much as earlier in his life!!!!

Funny Story: yesterday, we got home from Mama and Daddy's and BJ was changing Sam's diaper (he had a major blow out, and BJ hadn't had the pleasure in awhile!), so I assisted by getting the clean diaper out and the Butt Paste (thank you Mindy Gunter =). I watched BJ wiping Sam's cute little butt - he really does have a precious and pretty butt), and saw that his peepee was inverted! I pointed and in a panicked voice said, "what's wrong with him - oh no - do we need to take him to the dr????" Yes, I kind of freaked out!!! BJ laughed and said that this was normal and "popped" it back out. OK, I'm a girl, and that was not normal!!!!!!! It was freaky-looking, and if I had been by myself, I really don't know what I would have done. I guess I would have tried to pop it out before calling 911!!!!!!!! (kidding - I would have probably called BJ or Mama first if it hadn't popped back out!!!!) I did ask BJ if that was a perpetual problem among men/boys and he said that it would eventually stop doing that! Who knew???

Here's that perfect little butt...

Another funny story... this one has pictures for demonstration purposes:
Mama has come up with a "Mimi Song". It's basically Mimi over and over and over to the tune of It's a Small World (we have determined that when Sam goes to Disney World that he's going to think they don't know the right words). It's very upbeat and lively the way she sings it, and it has been proven to sooth a screaming Sammy... yes, BJ and I have resorted to it even when Mimi is not around! So, to be fair, Mimi came up with the "Pop Pop Song" which is spelling and saying Pop Pop over and over to the tune of M-I-C-K-E-Y-M-O-U-S-E. Very cute and upbeat when she first came up with it... however, it has now become this song that pretty much makes you want to slit your wrists! I wish you could hear it, but it spells Pop Pop and DRAGS and sounds like nails on a chalk board, then, when you get to where you say Pop Pop, it drags so much that you would pretty much jump from a moving vehicle!!!! Well, Sam feels the same way...

Pop Pop Song

Mimi Song

Pop Pop Song

Mimi Song

Pop Pop


Pop Pop


Yes, he pretty much makes the faces on cue!!!! It's so cute, but we don't do it to him too often, because the end result really is a full-on cry!!!!!! Never say Babies don't have taste!!!!!!

Luckily, Daddy has managed some quality time with Sam, and when HE says Pop Pop, Sam smiles away at him!!!! He really is such a happy baby!!!!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

So little time...

Well, we haven't been home this week... Sam and I anyway! We left Tuesday to go to the lake (Nanny was there), then we drove with Mama and Daddy to take Nanny back to Albany and back to the lake again on Wednesday. Now, I'm not much of a "rider" - I don't do well for more than about 2 hours in the car - I did pretty good, but I was DONE with the car by the time we got back, so Sam and I spent the night at the lake again. On the way back from Albany, we stopped in Cordele - the Watermelon Capital of the World... yummy - bought a couple of those at the Farmer's Market! Stopped at every Dollar Store between Albany and Lake Oconee looking for this specific self-tanning lotion that colors well, but doesn't make you look orange (those are hard to come by - they either "tan" your hands and make you look like an orange-skinned indian, or they smell so bad that people can smell you from a mile away, and it just screams out that "I HAD TO USE A SELF-TANNER BECAUSE I'M NOT CAPABLE OF A DECENT TAN ON MY OWN!!!") Anyway, I, by chance, found some good stuff last year, and now it seems to be discontinued... that's just how those things go with me!

Woa... that was a complete left turn - back to the subject...

Sam was a perfect little angel all day in the car!!!!! He did great! Well, he slept with Mama and Daddy that night, and aparently woke up at 4:30 am to eat, and didn't really go back to sleep! I, however, went to be at 10:30 and didn't wake up until about 10 on Thursday!!!!! Sleep was so wonderful... I think I had hit the wall from my new mommy high, and realized that I was TIRED!!!!! Well, aparently Sam had Mama and Daddy up and they were trying to keep him from waking me up - I heard him, but just thought he was "talking" to them - well, he was, he just didn't have anything nice to say!!!! Well, once I got ready for the day and was ready to head home, Sam was still fussy... he CRIED - and cried HARD for about 1 1/2 hours of the hour and 45 min. drive home! I finally called BJ and just conversated with him to try and tune Sam out - there was nothing I could do!!!!!! That had to be a nice conversation from that end!!!

Aren't really good days always followed by those kind of days????

We went to Anna and Josh's for dessert for Ms. Kathy's birthday Thursday night... it was great to see all of them - I miss seeing them as often!!!!!! Kimberly - the chocolate cake was TO DIE for!!!!!!! Sarah Grace and Charlotte are getting so big, and are absolutely adorable!!!!! Cathy is still the cutest preggy woman I have ever seen!!!!!! Judge still gives the best hugs!!!! LOVE Anna and Josh's house!!!!! Sam had recovered from his meltdown, and was fairly good while we were there!!!

BJ's dad and Inny came to the house on Friday night. Inny cooked and brought it - yummy meatloaf - and not a bad gig to have someone come to you with home cookin!!!! BJ is lucky they were there when he got home, b/c I would have chewed him a new something if it had just been the two of us... I had called his cell phone EIGHT TIMES, and his voicemail said that he was on the other line!!!!! I finally left him a message that said, "I hope you're ok, and if you are, I am really mad and you better have a good excuse. I'm sure you do, but call me back NOW!" Now, I feel that showed great restraint on my part... props here, please!!!!! I simmered down before he got home - but he said that he dreaded getting home the whole ride home!!!! GOOD!!!!!! I had not showered, brushed my teeth, fed Sam, OR pumped and BJ's dad called at 4:30 (yes, in the pm) saying they were on the way - I was in the middle of washing Stormie when they called!!!!!! YIKES!!!!!! I needed reinforcements, and BJ HAD said that he was going to leave early on Friday... how can I get mad? He left at 5:15!!!!!! (Please read that last statement with a hint of sarcasm!) I did end up showered, and was feeding Sam when they arrived - and I just pumped once they got there!!!!!!

Nonetheless, I made it work - I put all FIVE of my new Mommy arms to the test!!!!!

Today, we are at the lake (yes, again) for Father's Day. Sam and I dropped BJ off at the airport, and Daddy, Bo and BJ flew down the Moultrie (South GA for the geographically challenged) to pick up Daddy's plane and back to Madison. Oh, he had to be at the airport at 8 AM... we got up at 6 am, and were running so late that I took Sam from BJ 1/2way through a bottle and let him finish getting ready and packed, we were out the door at 7:15 am - VERY good for the mommy with new baby - and we had to pack for overnight and everything!!!! I did my make-up in the car, and my hair was sopping wet... I got the wife of the day award (self-appointed, of course)!!!!

BJ's first Father's Day tomorrow... awwwww... I hope he enjoys it - how could he not with the cutest and bestest new son in the world????? Who, by the way, has been sleeping pretty much ALL DAY!!!!! Heehee... he's sleeping with Mimi and PopPop tonight too!!!!! When he wakes up, we'll try to keep him up before bedtime!!!!! I feel so guilty when he keeps them up!!!!!! Glad they love him too!!!!

OH... we did a "2 month" photo shoot of you-guessed it... Sam!!!!

Note Stormie's tail to the left of the shot... she was helping!!!!!!!

Since Stormie was helping, she HAD to get in the pictures too... Sam looks like he's about to take off or kick Stormie one!!!!!!!And he's spent....

This is from awhile back, but this is where Sam first found his thumb!!!! How cute!!!

Friday, June 09, 2006

This hurts me more than it hurts you...

Sam went to the dr. today for his two month check-up. He weighed 11 lbs. 15 oz. and was 23 1/2 inches long. He got three shots. It probably really did hurt me more than it did him... Well, actually, I didn't even realize Sam was getting his shots until she had the last needle in!!! She was good - quick!!!! However, Sam noticed!!! I got BJ to stand with him and he nurse since I tend to pass out at the sight of blood! He screamed his little head off - then fell asleep! Now, however, he is wide awake - and until a few minutes ago, had been crying for three hours straight! I am blogging because BJ is babysitting - he needs quality time with sweet little Sam!!!!!!!!!! We just fed him, hoping a full belly would make him a little happier and get him to SLEEP!!!! Nope - didn't work... still ctying! Seems to stop when he's being held - is he spoiled yet???? Surely not!!!! At this point, for our sanity, whatever works!!!

I tried to get Sam to "pose" for his two month 'photo op' yesterday... realized that should be a two person job - not to mention that BJ said it was a "getto backdrop" - so, he is GOING to help me this weekend... I'll post the pictures when we take them... if we take them!

Met some friends from high school for dinner last night - 10 years, and we're all still close! It's always so great to see them and chat with them. Doesn't seem like we do it enough! It's crazy how much in each of our lives has changed since those "care-free" days! I'll tell you too, it is so COOL to see Cathy pregnant! She's such a cute preggy woman - I'm DEFINITELY not a tummy-rubber (it seems an invation of personal space), but we're close enough to where it's not an issue... and I had already forgotten how much I enjoyed rubbing my own belly and having conversations with Sam each day! Sam and I still have our daily conversations; he just talks back now - and is usually louder... enjoy your quiet (and sleep) while you can, Cat!!!

BJ took today off - thank goodness! It's so wonderful when he's home and we get the days to do what we want... and we get tomorrow too!!!!! YAY!!!

Whew... I have blogged long enough that Sam is asleep on BJ's chest, and we're watching So You Think You Can Dance (yes, we are addicted to the pop culture phenomenon) - we'll attend group sessions at a later date for our addiction! Now, I'm ready to go to bed, so dare we move Sam???? He is so adorable when he is so peaceful - he's actually adorable when he's crying too - he pokes that little lip out... anywho, BJ may be sleeping on the couch until the next feeding time!?

I just love this picture and couldn't remember if I published it or not before (guess I could look, but that seems too much trouble at the moment - and Mimi and PopPop deserve multiple recognitions!) Also, note Sam's getting a milk belly (and man boobs as BJ pointed out!!!)

Friday, June 02, 2006

Two Months of Motherhood

I can't believe Sam is two months old - actually 9 weeks old today! How time has flown! The cloak of motherhood has come over me, although I like to refer to it as the cloak of "Mommy-dumb" =)

That being said, I was just musing over the things I have learned in the past 9 weeks and thought they would be fun to share:

  1. Spit happens... don't bother changing your shirt (unless you're going somewhere) because it's going to happen again, and it's the most beautiful perfume you could ever put on!
  2. Tee Tee and Poo happen too... and their smell is a wonderful smell too - mainly because it means your baby is not backed up and fussy; however, I DO recommend changing if those happen onto your clothes!
  3. Pampers not Huggies... refer to earlier blog with BJ's picture with the thousands of diapers!
  4. Little baby wash rags are perfect to keep on your changing table for little boys when changing them - simply place over his peepee, and it soaks any squirt that may happen along... however, they have been known to slip off if you're not paying attention, and then your fingers work just fine to redirect the teetee!!!!! Either way, it's pretty funny when you realize your boy has range! Those rags shouldn't then be used at bathtime until they have been washed!!! =)
  5. The hair drier or vacuum cleaner (or anything with the general loud hum) is great for putting them to sleep... who knew????????
  6. Feed your baby until he's satisfied (my parents get full credit for this realization - and they were quite patient since it took me 2 months to come to this conclusion!) If he were eating off of me, he would be eating until he stopped anyway...
  7. The "Book" is not always right - they're a good starting point, but, at the end of the day, you know your baby best and must do what HE needs (and you for your sanity!)
  8. It's HIS baby too... it's not all up to me, and I shouldn't feel guilty letting or asking BJ to do anything. That being said, BJ gets major kudos here... he really WANTS to take care of Sam and help me - yes, it's my full-time job, but he gets to leave work at night and on the weekends; mine never stops - he can help sometimes, and I shouldn't feel guilty that he does!
  9. If your back or your head hurts, TAKE SOMETHING (that seems obvious, but Mama had to point that out to me!!!!!!) See, mommy-DUMBS!!!!
  10. HOLD YOUR BABY... as long as you want and as much as you want. Let him sleep on your chest - that is the most precious thing in the world, and you'll never get these moments back. AND, he's almost too big to lay on my chest!!!!! =( Enjoy those sweet times - the world can wait!
  11. Get out of the house. Even if it's just to the bank to visit! =) You need adult interaction!
  12. Jazzy chairs aren't that bad - and kind of fun at that!
  13. Take lots of pictures - and with you in them too... that's all you'll have left!!!
  14. Don't make him wear the same clothes over and over so as not to mess up his "cute" outfits for outings... he'll outgrow them before he wears them out!
  15. That being said, do a load of laundry everyday... otherwords, you'll get yourself way behind!
  16. Have him wear an "easy-off" outfit to the dr. As soon as you get there, you undress them and don't redress them until you're ready to leave!
  17. When he's sleeping in the cradle and starts fidgeting... he's probably NOT awake - it's just you, and he will settle himself down more than likely - no need to move him or put him in bed with you to calm him down! SOMETIMES, though, that IS necessary!!!!!
  18. Accept any and all help/food offered. (Thank you Melissa for the uninterrupted shower-time, and Mama and Daddy for the numerous nights off and the Sunday afternoon off, and the vacation - and all of you who brought food... I'm so spoiled and lucky!!!)
  19. Even the most spoiled dogs will adjust! Stormie has actually given Sam kisses, and would LOVE to play with him!!!! They're so cute!
  20. Grandparents will tell you when to take him back! (If you go longer than a day, though, he will grow and be noticeably bigger the next time you hold him!)
  21. It really is a love that you can't describe, and it grows and grows!
  22. GRIPE WATER... thank you Jenny!!!!!!!! Helps gas, is expensive, but totally worth it!!!! New Baby Products in Snellville is the only place that has it; however, DOES have it for half the cost with free shipping!!!!
  23. If he cries, there's a reason... start eliminating diapers, hunger, gas, etc. Rarely would you find that he's crying to cry - just sometimes you can't solve the problem right away!
  24. Bouncy Seat is our friend!

This list is not to say that I have it all down, just merely observations and real-life conclusions I have come up with - I still have the Mommy-dumbs, but I'm having a blast figuring it all out!!!!!!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Great Grandmas

As promised, here are pictures of the great grandmas...

This is my dad's mom: Marney
This is my mom's mom: Nanny

Vacation Success

Sam's first vacation - to Hilton Head Island, SC

We're back; we made it, and we're all still in one piece! I really didn't want to leave because it was so relaxing, but that's probably because Mama and Daddy took care of Sam the whole time! Quality grandbaby time! I went to the pool everyday - and BJ went with me the couple of days he was there. We went to the beach for a photo op of Sam... he's so photogentic!

Here we are on the way... yup, Sam needed to eat!!!

Sam at the pool - he needed to take his shirt off - he was hot, and wanted to show off his big ole milk belly!

Sam in his swimmies and his sun hat - ready for the pool!

I can't believe I put this picture on here, but it was Sam's first excursion into the pool (although he didn't actually FEEL the water!!!)

His future's so bright...

Our little family at the beach... for the first time!!!

Very cool photo op for Sam - as you can see, he was having nothing of it!!!!
We came back Tuesday, but BJ was working late, and we got in later in the evening, so Sam and I spent the night at Mama and Daddy's. Then, Sam and I left around noon on Wednesday - Mama rode with us as far as the farm (Sam was a little fussy, because he needed to have a poo). Bo was there, and invited us to his house for pizza (and to see his new t.v. - which is VERY nice and clear, and to see his straightened garage). So, we detoured by Monroe on our continued trek home. BJ was working late again, so, again, I wasn't in a hurry to get home... in the end our two hour drive home took about eight!!! Retirement is great, huh? It's pretty nice to be able to take our time and be on our own schedule... well, let's be honest - SAM'S schedule!!!!

Bo's kitchen requires a hard hat!!!

Well, Sam hit a growth spurt this past week... he weighs over 10 pounds now! He had gotten to where he was pretty fussy - even after he ate, which was beginning to be more frequent! SO, my parents, in their infinite wisdom, suggested feeding the poor baby more. SO, we fed him, and he ate SEVEN ounces of milk - SEVEN - he had been eating FOUR!!!!!!! My poor baby! I realize that this is probably a lot for a two month old, but he now goes 5-7 hours between feedings consistently... and we did the math: eating 4 ounces every three hours is the same amount of milk as him eating 7 ounces every 5 hours. We now have a happy baby! He will sit and coo and "play" peek-a-boo with us; he notices when we move things or rattle things in front of him and follows them really well now! He is growing up so fast!!!! I picked him up, and realized that I had missed a day or so of holding him, and he had grown in just a day!!!!

With the increased amount of milk, Bessy, as I am affectionately referred to as, couldn't keep up, so we had to supplement with formula - just a couple of ounces per bottle. Now, though, I am keeping up and producing enough to keep little (not so much anymore) Sam happy!
Enjoy the pictures!!!