My Take on Life...

What's going on in my world...

Sunday, July 30, 2006

My randomness

Lots to blog about this time, so I'll just go in sequential order (imagine me - needing a plan!!!)

Sam laughed - and I heard it! It was Thursday morning and we were visiting the girls at the bank. Carolyn got him to laugh... a short ha-ha! It was music to my ears!!! I have only heard it once since, though!!!!

Melissa has been with Jimmy and his family non-stop. Her parents are in town as well. I have spoken with her, but only briefly, and have left messages each day since. Let me qualify by saying that I told her she did not have to answer her phone for me, but that I was going to keep calling and encouraging her. The memorial for Mrs. Ewing is tomorrow at Buckhead Church at 11 am. BJ and I are going (and we're taking Sam... is that bad? I don't have anyone that could keep Sam - mom and dad are out of town, Beth and Cathy work, as well as anyone else I may trust and wouldn't feel bad asking...) Anywho - the plan is to sit in the back like we do at church, so we can get out quickly if necessary. I really just want to be there for Melissa and Jimmy, and this is the best way I know how!? Obviously, all I know about Mrs. Ewing is from the news, and it is just so devastating!!! I look at Sam and am so thankful that he can be carefree and oblivious to this nasty world around him for awhile - and my goal is to keep it that way as long as possible!!!

Onto happier life times...

Mama, Mari and I had a shower for Cathy at my house on Saturday. Mari did the invitations (so cute, and ironic, but I got the exact same invitation from Ms. Kathy for the small group shower on the EXACT same day... needless to say I was confused at first, but my blonde brain finally processed what happened!). Mama and I did the decorations and food. I must say, we had a blast doing it - we planned (imagine the two of us and our need for lists - there were lists for the lists), and started decorating a week before!!!!! We had so much fun together doing it! We ended up with an "It's a Boy / Summer" Theme! Here are some pictures of the decor...

Here's the kitchen table where we served the punch - BJ was the designated blower-upper guy... and we had quite a few things that needed his hot air!!!! We used our hands to make the footprints - not Sam!!!!!!
Here's the dining room table with the food... again with the footprints!!!!Close-up of the centerpiece...The server in the dining room...Here's James, who held the leis (which everyone received when they came in and the party favors they got when they left...Here's the fireplace. I made the diaper cake, which was Cat's gift from me and BJ - and we put all our baby pictures on the mantle and played Kimberly's "Name that Baby" game!!!!
Speaking of the diaper cake... Yes, I attempted another diaper cake. This one, I created a list (since I actually felt that I had a little baby experience behind what was on the cake) to explain some of it!!!! It had all kinds of stuff from diapers (duh) to Gripe Water to pacis to receiving blankets to lap pads to a pee pee T pee to earplugs (for Jason - or Cathy if she needs to drown out Jason!)... again - I had fun making it and building it. And, again, it would have been a pile of STUFF had BJ not been here to make it stand!

The shower went great. We had abot 18 people, and Cat got a lot of good stuff (like the chair that we had to run out and buy for Sam!!!!). Beth, Cathy's sister was there. And, get this, she is pregnant too (with her second) and due two WEEKS after Cathy!!!!!! Poor Ms. Carole!!!!! She is having a girl and naming her Kloe (she has a boy named Kegan - I think I spelled it right!?). Isn't that just an adorable name? I love it! They are two of the CUTEST preggy women I have ever seen!!!!!!! I am so excited for them both!!!!! I can't believe it, but Cathy is due in only TEN weeks!!!!!!!!!!! When I thought I had ten weeks, I really only had SIX!!!!!! Get ready Cat!!!!!

Here are all the girls we went to high school with that were at the shower!

BJ and I (and Sam) went to church today, and Sam slept through the service, so we actually made it through the whole thing!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!

On our way, we stopped at Quick Trip for coffee, and BJ filled up my truck for me. He's so good this way, and WILL NOT let me EVER fill up my cars... love him for that (amongst other reasons). Well, I went in and got the coffees while he pumped. I asked him if he was paying at the pump and thought I heard him say yes. So, I paid for the coffees and came back out. We started getting in the truck and he asked me why I had change, to which I said I just paid cash. He asked, "Didn't you pay for the gas?" I said, "No, I though you did." So, he had to run back in and pay!!!!!!! Wouldn't that be a news-worthy story????


Oh, my... and it had begun.

I put a Coke can on the bumper this afternoon, loaded the stroller and diaper bag (BJ was loading Sam), and hit the button for the hatch to close... yeah, we hear this God-aweful crunching noise. BJ goes back and retrieves the CRUSHED Coke can!!!!!!! Oops!!!!!!!!!!!

All day, it seems that I was not firing on all 12 cylinders - not even eight!!!! (You see, I am convinced that my brain MUST be a V-12 engine, not just a V-8!!!!!!!) Lately it seems to be barely a 4-cylider!!!! But at least it's a fiesty 4-cylinder!!!!!

Oh! And I was so excited about the pantry shelves (that Sam read BJ the instructions - or DEstructions - for) that I started "organizing"... this is how far I got!!!
It will still be there tomorrow! =)


OK - this is going to be a quickie, but I have GOT to post these pictures!!!! Mari told us about this chair that she got for Kaden (Cathy's soon-to-be-here little one), and I just had to go get one for Sam! He LOVES it (well, I love it, so I'm sure he does!!!). Anywho, BJ was building me shelves for the pantry (so I can ORGANIZE - YAY!), and Sam was helping...

It looks like he's sitting on he toilet... =)Too cute!!!!!! Lovin' the chair!!!!

And he's spent... just like that, he went to sleep!!!!!?????? =) Love this kid!!!!!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

All in God's Plan

I know it's true... it IS all in God's plan, but why would He "plan"/allow bad things to happen like this???? Mrs. Ewing's body was found by dogs this afternoon over in Paulding County. The family is a mess, as is Melissa - rightfully so! Why her? Why now? WHY?????? It's so not fair! She has a family that loves her that she will never get to see her children marry or her grandchildren; and they, in turn, are robbed of having their mother present at those happy times in their lives, and in the times where you just need to reach out and get a hug from mommy - there's just no one that can replace a mother and her touch and her words!

The positive side (if there is one) is that she was a believer, and is now in Heaven looking down on all of us - happier than ever. I am very sure/confident in my faith, but it's times like this that could make you question your faith. But, as I like to explain it to my 10th and 11th grade girls. Faith is just that - you take that "step" into the unknown, and you go with it. You have to just trust that God is at work, and it was her time to go home. Now, I'm sure those words are hard to swallow for this family, and it's not necessarily what they want to hear, but we all still know it's truth.

Please continue to pray for this family - they need it now more than ever!!!!

On a lighter note, Sam and I went to see BJ at work and out to lunch with him. Sam was able to see where his Daddy works! I was walking out the door, and realized that my pendant had fallen off my necklace (the one Sam gave me for Mother's Day), which I luckily found within five or 10 minutes. I got in the car, started driving, then sat on 316 for half an hour. Finally got to Buckhead, and all the traffic lights WERE NOT WORKING!!!!! And all those "crazy Atlanta drivers" don't "remember" that traffic lights that aren't working are to be treated as a four-way stop... finally get to BJ's office, we parade Sam around - as the proud parents are supposed to. We go to Frontera for lunch, and it takes them AN HOUR to get our order out to us!!!! We jump back in the car and go back to BJ's office, where I'm going to go in and feed Sam; realize that I left my phone at the restaurant (because I am waiting for Melissa's call)! We tell BJ bye, jump back in the car and run back to Frontera, have the sweet Mexican man turn the table over (literally) to look for my phone - he even called it from his phone - to no avail. As I'm leaving, he tells me he'll call me if they find it (I chuckle to myself because he has my CELL #). Get back to the car, look through my purse AGAIN, and there it is!!!!!! THEN, Sam is crying, so I feed him in the parking lot - yes in Atlanta!!!! Finally get on the road and head back home - down Roswell Rd so as to avoid the traffic light problem. That's when I get a hold of Melissa and get the news of Mrs. Ewing. Then, I'm on the phone with Mama and get on 285 - the WRONG way!!!!!!! I am at 75 when I realize it, so I had to go to Cobb Pkwy before turning around. I get turned around and headed home (again), sit through more traffic, and YAY - I'm home. I'm not leaving. I am staying here!!!! Thank the Lord, Sam is sleeping right now!!!!!! I am wiped out!!!!!

Pray for the Ewings... and I'll just stay put!!!!!!!!!!


At 4:15 this morning, one of my best friends called... you know it's not good when a call comes in that early.

Melissa was calling to tell me that Jimmy's (her boyfriend) mom is missing... she left at noon yesterday to go run errands then to bike down the Silver Comet Trail (starts over in Smyrna off of Cobb Parkway and the East/West Connector). She usually goes about 25 miles then comes back that 25 miles. Well, they started worrying around dark, and went to where she parks to start riding and her van was still there, and no sign of her. They immediately began searching, and have been searching all night.

The police have been notified, and I'm not sure if they have been searching with them last night or not. Jimmy and his family and friends are still out there. At 6:30 this morning (Wednesday), the police are meeting and organizing a search team. They are asking as many people as can to come help. My first reaction is, "I'm on my way." Then, I realize I have a 4 month old that can't be out in the heat, and would be more of a liability than a help... I have been praying for Jimmy's mom, Melissa, Jimmy and Jimmy's family non-stop since I have found out. I don't know what else to do! I feel so helpless!!!!

Please join me in praying for them as well...

If you are willing and able, they are meeting at the elementary school located near the start of the Silver Comet Trail (I am not sure of the name) at 6:30 am, and I am sure authorities will be there throughout the day to organize as more people show up throughout the day.

I will keep you all updated... just please pray...

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Picture Blog

Mama came this past Thursday through Saturday... it's so cool that she and Daddy stay the night now! Daddy was in Texas with a friend of theirs picking up his plane, so Mama and Sam and I had fun time! We shopped, we decorated, and we did a lot of Sam! He's a handful, that's for sure - but in a good way! He was reaching for me and Mimi in turn this weekend too - We could hold our hands out, and he would hold his out to us and lung!!!!! Ahhhhh... I love it!!!!!! BJ said that he laughed on Sunday afternoon... WHATEVER!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't hear it, nor have I heard it yet, so it's not going into the baby book until I hear it!!!!! =)

I got in my truck to move it out of the garage Thursday morning only to discover that it was DEAD!!!!! The electrical stuff didn't even come on!!!! So, BJ had to fix that and take it to the dealer Saturday morning to get a new battery... always something!

I've been busy so far this week... one of those weeks that I'm running 90 miles an hour, but couldn't tell you the first thing I've done!!!!! That's so ungratifying, isn't it???? Mama, Mari and I are giving a shower for Cathy this Saturday with our friends from high school. It's going to be fun, and I can't wait to get all the decorations up!!!! I'm excited about how cute it's going to be! I'll post pictures after the fact... =)

Here's Sam's latest pictures...

This is Sam in Pop Pop's hat in Rome... he needed shade from the sun!!!!
Here's Sam's new sunglasses - that actually somewhat fit!!!???

Super Sam!!!!!! Sam and his Daddy played and played this past weekend!!!!! At this age, even a burp cloth can be a cape and render super powers!!!!
Cat - here's the blanket you made Sam!!!! He absolutely LOVES it!!!!!

This time the burp cloth became some kind of hat/doo rag!!!???
Sam ready for church in his new outfit... the hat ended up being worn backwards so we could see his little eyes!!!!!! He's SO CUTE!!!!!

Daddy put his chair together too... SO MUCH FUN!!!!! He actually pushed a button on it today - but it may have just been an accident!!!! He is brilliant in my eyes, though!!!

He was so tired after his play weekend that he crashed!!!!!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Red Letter Day

Well, today (and yesterday) is a red letter day for little Sammy...

He officially REACHED!!!!! He has reached for a toy, and, when (my) Mama came in and bent over the pack 'n play, he reached up to her!!!!!! He then reached for Pop Pop!!!!! Has he reached for his mommy yet????? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

His head is so much steadier, he's awake more (although he slept a lot yesterday in the car). He has actually "skipped" his midnight feedings lately and slept on through... he has gone TWELVE hours between feedings this week!!!!!! I suppose he would have done this sooner, but I would keep waking him up for his 11 or 12 feedings at night. I just didn't a couple of nights ago, and he slept just fine until morning!!!!! Another duh moment for me!!! I will admit that I woke up about 3 am and didn't sleep well until he FINALLY got up at 7:30, because I just knew he would be waking up at any moment!!!! I did better the next night, though! I just couldn't ask for more from this little guy!

One more story: about 3 or 4 weeks ago, I had him in my bed while I was getting ready, and he started crying. I PROMISE it was like this... AHHHHHHHH!!!!! MAMA!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Now, I'm not putting it in his baby book or anything, but I swear that's what he said - I only report the truth!!!!!

And let me just give a shout-out to wearing the proper sized diapers... works much better! He had a rather large poo today, and it was ALL contained!!!! Woo! Hoo!!! For those with kids, you're probably laughing at me - for those of you expecting or that will be doing this one day... take heed --- use the diapers that the baby's weight is on the LOWER end of the size, not necessarily the UPPER end, and you'll be much more successful!!!! Took my mom almost FOUR months to get that through my thick head!!!!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Our Weekend

First, let me say this: I have discovered "Plumber's Crack" on our child!!!!! His diapers officially show crack - which Mama pointed out could POSSIBLY be why we are experiencing blow-outs so regularly (Hmmm....)! Well, we should also invest in some scales... something we have just never felt the need to torture ourselves with! Well, Daddy weighed him, and he's up to 16 pounds - that is FOUR pounds more than his last Dr. visit - and therefore he is too big for the size diapers we had him in... you would think we would have noticed, but I am so determined that he doesn't need to grow up too fast, and the next sizes are devastating, so we don't move too quickly (I still cinch him into some of his 0-3 sized outfits!) - PLUS, I want to use up the diapers we have before he moves on to the next size - you saw the picture of BJ with all those diapers!!!!!! Hence, he has basically skipped size 2 diapers and has gone straight to size 3. My bad! Ha! Ha! Now you understand the blowout problems, huh Ms. Kathy????? Me too!!!!!! He gained way more than I had realized!!!! Ho Hum... how they grow! Lesson learned!

We had a great weekend - we miss our little Sammy, though!!!!! We went to dinner Friday wth my roomie from college - Buffie - at Eclipse Di Luna. It's a topas restaurant, and it was really yummy and relatively inexpensive!!!!!! It was so nice to see Buff and to meet her new boyfriend - he seems very nice, and has a funny personality, so I know they are perfect for each other! Also, if you know anyone who needs a wedding singer (not Adam Sandler quality, but REALLY good) she does that on the side! She sang at our wedding, and it was absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!!

Sod was laid on Saturday - we started around 10 and finished around 5 - not bad for the two of us. And I worked on the flowers in front of the house. LOTS of work, but completely gratifying. Funny, but apparently my shirt didn't completely cover my lower back, and I have a perfect 1/2 moon of sunburn on my lower back! CUTE!

Here's the mailbox (duh):Here's the front of the house:Here's the back yard:
The right side...The middle...The left side...Hee Hee... the neighbors started theirs on Friday, and were still working this morning! Poor things - we just couldn't bring ourselves to be the BEST neighbors ever and go over and help this morning!!!!!!?????
THEN, as sore as we were, we went out to dinner with Ryan and Jenny that night. They were awesome and understanding, so we went for a late dinner... to the Atlanta Fish Market. This is how unbelievable they are... they had Buckhead Life gift certificates, and shared them with us - so dinner was FREE!!!!!!! And it was awesome! It was so great to hang with them - it had been way too long since we had seen them outside of church goings on! And they're preggy with #2, so all the more reason to celebrate!!!!!! Love those guys!!!!!

We were bad this morning - my eyes litereally WOULD NOT open this morning, so we didn't make it to church!!!!! We were really tired - sod finally caught up to us!!!! BJ is going to the farm to meet Mama and Daddy to get Sam, and I'm off to church to do small groups with my girls! I can't wait to see Sam!!!!

OK - time for some random pictures...

Here's the only picture I got of Sam at his visit to Nanny's

We saw this in the parking lot at the mall last week and thought it would be nice for daily outings with Sam - if feels like we need the space and room for all of his stuff!!!!! So, I took a picture of the M.S. Cruiser... we would name ours the S.A.M. Cruiser!!!!! Mama and Daddy keep saying we need a Winnie (Winnebego), so here it is!!!!Sam and Daddy playing one night!!!Sam and Daddy ready for church (last week since we couldn't get our lazy rear ends out of bed this morning!!!!!!)

Friday, July 14, 2006

To Grandmother's House We Go

We just got back from Albany visiting my grandmother (my mom's mom). She's a trip - absolutely in love with Sam, but who wouldn't be???? She's 83 and in pretty good health (when she wants to be). But, she is the most ADDHD person I have EVER incountered. She was hugging my mom and said, "I love you - you'll never find shoes like these anymore. They're the best shoes." My mom just said she loved her shoes too!!!!! We were telling her bye at the car, and she looked down and said, "Look, I have on a blue and a black shoe!" Random!!!!! And, can I just say that talking about sex with my 83 year old grandmother is just NOT a topic we venture into... until this trip!!!! We were watching TV (So You Think You Can Dance - absolutely nothing to do with sex), and she says, "These kids go up to the third floor of their schools and mess around - you know, oral sex and that kind of stuff..." OH MY GOSH - I DON'T NEED TO HEAR THOSE WORDS FROM HER MOUTH!!!!!!! She didn't stop there - she kept on going and going about it!!!!!! I couldn't believe she even knew what it was, much less needed to talk about it with me!!!!!???? Apparently, that's where "lesbans" and "gays" come from - tahat's how they learn to be that way!?
Another time she said something about a 40 year old couple getting pregnant and that he must have had some good swimmers!!!!! She's a trip...

On the way down there, I drove, and Mama was in the front, Sam in the back with Rocky and Stormie in my lap (Daddy flew his plane and met us down there). Mama must have crawled back in the back at least half a dozen times to check on Sam and do something or other for him! He got a little fussy, but the "Mimi Song" soothed him down just fine! He was great while we were in Albany, of course!!!!!! Nothing seems to faze him these days!

On the way home, Mama drove, and I did Sam duty. He slept for about an hour, and I thought we were going to be just fine. Apparently, though, the gas got the better of him, and he WHALED and SCREACHED for what seemed like an hour. Rocky was all over the truck, Stormie was up front crying, and I was trying to calm Sam down. An interesting trip to say the least! Once we got to the lake, Sam ate and had a huge poo. It came out the diaper and went up his back - it was so bad that we just took him to the laundry sink and gave him a bath!!!!! Well, needless to say he is still napping!!!!

He is at Mimi and Pop Pop's for the weekend... BJ and I are meeting my roommate from college (Buffie) tonight for dinner, we're laying sod and doing yard work tomorrow, then we're going out with Ryan and Jenny for dinner - they are pregnant, and we need to celebrate with them!!!!!!!

It's going to be a busy weekend, but it's going to be fun... I'm even looking forward to yard work! I have missed BJ, nad it will be wonderful to spend time with him! He is going to meet Mama and Daddy to get Sam back on Sunday afternoon!!!!!!!! I miss him already!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Sleepy Sam

Last weekend was a good one... we got a lot done - in the yard, in the house, errands, etc.

BJ "baby-sat" while I went to church Sunday night for high school small groups. He usually goes and babysits there, but Sam was a little fussy... turns out Sam had a major poo while I was gone, and they had to manage without backup!!! They did just fine!!!!! That is the longest BJ has been with Sam without anyone else around - not on purpose at all, and most certainly not because he can't handle it or is scared! It had just never worked out that way! So, it was a good afternoon for them - poo and all!!!! I think BJ appreciates a little more what I do all day... he was stressed about getting Sam happy, feeding him and getting dinner ready - plus doing a few things that he wanted/needed to do before I got home (i.e. laundry =)!!!!!!

Yesterday, Sam slept a lot... so much that he missed his evening feeding!!!! He took a FOUR hour nap in his swing - BJ and I finally woke him up at 10:30 and fed him - he hadn't eaten since 1:30 that afternoon!!!!!!!! He's fine, just a good napper!? If he had been in his bed, I would have probably been worried, but since I could see him and knew he was just fine, I just let him sleep! You may wonder if that affected him sleeping last night... not at all!!!!! I was concerned too, but he ate and went right back to sleep and slept until 7:30 this morning!!!!! I promise there's nothing in his bottle besides milk and sometimes cereal!!!!!!!!

I just fed him again, and, yes, he is napping... again!!! I must go pump and shower - get myself ready for the day! Yes, I know what time it is!!!!! It's a successful day when I am showered and have on make-up before BJ gets home!!!!!

Tomorrow, Sam and I are going to the lake and then to Albany to visit Nanny (we definitely need Mama and Daddy to be able to do these longer road trips!!! =). I'll be back on Friday, and Sam will stay at the lake for the weekend (his monthly visitation ;)!!!!!! Let's hope he maintains this happy streak we are on!!!!!

Friday, July 07, 2006

Random Stories

Mama and Daddy got back from FL on Wednesday - late. I talked to them on Thursday, and they offered to come "babysit" for Sam while BJ and I went to dinner with Rob (awesome guy - one of our students, for those who don't know him). Of course, I accepted, and they came that afternoon... they were so cute. Mama jumps out of the truck and drops everything (I did get a quick hug) and gets Sam from me! She's hugging on him and kissing him talking about how much he has changed and grown. Daddy comes over (he hugged me and picked Stormie up) and doesn't take his eyes off of Sam... Mama said "Pop Pop" in her 'dragging voice' like she sings the song, and Sam poked his lip out further than I've ever seen him!!!!! It was SO CUTE!!!!! We had to laugh!!!!! They had to trade him back and forth... I love that they love him so much that they can't stand to be away from him - bonus for me, because I get to see them even more than I did before!!!! Mama has said that they should get him at least one weekend a month... and I agreed - we call it "visitation"!!!!!!!!!! When I left to meet BJ and Rob (feeling like I was forgetting something because all I had in my hand was my purse), Daddy said - "Take your time..." I love them so much!!!!! They took Sam and Stormie to Bruster's - Sam got a single and Stormie got a double! I believe they were kidding about Sam; Stormie, however, I picked her up to hug her, and she smelled of Peanut Butter, so I don't believe they were kidding about her!!!! =) Busted!!!! =)

Rewinding to last Monday... BJ was feeding Sam at about 10 pm, and Sam had a poo. BJ said - "Good - I think I just felt Sam poo." He finished feeding him the bottle and was about to get up to go change him when he looked down and saw a rather large puddle of poo on his lap! His face was absolutely hysterical!!!! He was grossed out, but more shocked than anything! I was standing right there (laughing), so I said that I would take the baby and he could go clean himself up. I took Sam (it had come out the side of the diaper this time - he just has SO MUCH that the diaper couldn't hold it all =). I didn't realize how volatile it was, but it was still leaking out the side. The computer was on the floor next to them, and my path with Sam was directly over it, and, you guessed it, it leaked while over the computer!!!!! BJ was quick, though, and got his hand there just in time to catch the drop and save the computer!!!!!! WHEW!!! BJ said he was thankful that he had on thick shorts because it had soaked all the way through to his underwear!!!!! LOVELY!!!!!! BJ was hollering down at me that he had officially had more poo on him than anyone else!!!!! I laughed and reminded him of the time I had it running down my legs (it was Sam's, not mine - for the record =) What an exciting life we lead!!!!! We are reduced to stories of POO!!!!! And they're FUNNY!!!!!!

Rewinding to a couple of weeks ago... I took Sam to the pool at the Sugarloaf Country Club (realizing how the other half lives - WOW - their pool looks like White Water with the kiddie mushrooms and the slide and all =). I was meeting some of my high school small group girls. We hung out there for an hour or so then went back to Emily's house where they were all spending the night. While at the pool, I sat under an umbrella with Sam. Fed him a bottle then bounced him on my knee for awhile. He seemed to be getting hot, so I took him in the clubhouse for a little while in the air conditioning. I bought a smoothie (it was like 95 degrees) for SIX DOLLARS. It wasn't large or anything, just the Island Oasis premade smoothie thingie... SIX bucks!!!!!!!!!! Crazy! Anywho... we went back out for a little while longer, and I looked down at Sam. He was getting flushed, so I said I needed to take him in for good - he was too hot. I got him in the locker room and undressed him and took off his diaper. I got a wipe and kept wiping it over him to cool him down. He was screaming his head off the entire time. I was about in tears because I had overheated my poor baby!!! By the time we went to the car and to the Detrick's house, he was asleep and fine. I, however, was SO hard on myself!!!! It snuck up on me so fast... it felt like he all of a sudden got too hot!!!??? I learned my lesson! I didn't sleep well that night. I woke up at 2:30 am and couldn't go back to sleep - I was beating myself up and thinking how I could have given him brain damage or something!!!! And the SIX DOLLAR smoothie!!!!!!! =) BJ was so sweet, though, and kept saying that stuff like this happens, and Sam is fine... he wasn't as supportive of the SIX DOLLAR smoothie!!!!!!!! (Actually he too just couldn't believe they could charge that either!!!!!)

Some stories are just too good not to blog about - even if it was weeks ago! Better late than never! Sam is still sleeping in his crib and for 8-10 hours at night! I realize I am so blessed!!! And spoiled!!!! He is such a great baby! I love that little guy!

The weekend is here again! YAY!!! Happy Weekend!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Happy 4th...

Here is Sam in his cuty 4th of July outfit... happy as can be! The shoes have stars and stripes on them too - you just can't see it. They are also rather large on him, but, as I said before, the show must go on, and he WILL wear them!!!!! Clown shoes or not!

He was just being so happy - I took a million pictures!!!!!!!!

Sam was being so cute last night. BJ had just fed him, so I decided he needed some more pictures... I don't remember why he wasn't dressed... funny since it was just last night, but I assume it was because he got himself dirty one way or another!!!!!!

This is what I was talking about how Sam sleeps! I was up at 5:30 this morning, and Sam didn't fully wake up until 7:30 - so what better to do than go flash the camera in his face while sleeping???? No matter where I put him or the positioner, this is where we find him in the mornings!!!!???? Silly boy!!!!

Good news... Sam slept 10 1/2 hours last night! Not as good news... I woke up at 5:30 and waited for him to wake up for two hours!!!! I just couldn't fully go back to sleep - I was waiting for the bomb to go off (which never did - he woke up and was sweet as could be... probably didn't hurt that the bottle was there and ready for him!!!!)

Monday, July 03, 2006

What an Angel

Sam is SUCH a good baby... makes me wonder if I am in for it with the next one!? God definitely knows what He is doing, because I probably wouldn't have another one if Sam had been a difficult little boy!!!

Anyway... we went to the Detrick's lake house for a 4th of July party on Saturday. We were nervous about taking Sam, but turns out that we had absolutely NO reason for that! He was an angel. He napped on his mat under a shady tree, rocked in people's laps while we all chatted, loved the dock - he was just generally happy no matter what we were doing with him! It is always great too when other people have their kids there, and someone is always wanting to hold him or feed him! BJ was about to feed him, and Ms. Rhonda was more than happy to take over for him!!!!

Sunday, at church, Sam made it through his first entire service. One of us usually has to take him out at some point - we are DETERMINED not to be "those people" with the screaming child during Dr. Merritt's message!!!!!! We went to lunch afterwards and he slept all through lunch!!! Brandon, BJ's brother visited church and went to lunch with us - he is a really good kid, and I was excited to see him want to come to church!

Sam has been sleeping 8-10 hours consistently each night! The 10 hour night came after the day at the lake... he was worn out, I guess!!!!

You see what I mean about him being such a good little angel????? Right now... he's napping - yes, in his crib, and for more than 30 minutes!!!??? I'm loving this!!!! (Too bad he didn't nap more than 30 minutes last Friday when I decided to cut the grass so BJ wouldn't have to!?) He was inconsolable and I was filthy! I finally just put him down and showered throught the screams so that I could actually hold him to console him and feed him!

I can't believe it, but I didn't take the first picture this weekend!!! Sam has a CUTE "Happy 4th of July" outfit with matching sandals... BJ doesn't think he should wear the shoes because they are a little long for his feet! My philosophy: We paid for them, they're 0-3 size, so he WILL wear them!!!!!!! He wore them for a little while at the Detrick's, and he still has a couple of days to wear them still!!!!!!!!

I'll get some pictures and put them up in the next day or so!!!!!

Happy 4th of July Everyone!!!