My Take on Life...

What's going on in my world...

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

We're "Educated"

So our Birthing classes came to an end last night with the grand finale video of five women giving birth. First of all the video was, yet again, from the 80's, but I contest that the breast feeding video was freakier than this one! It was not at all like ER or the movies where these women are screaming and yanking their husbands around telling them they're never allowed to touch them again!!! It almost even made me tear up watching them bring the baby up and put it on the mom's chest - that's gonna be me in a few weeks! Now, I couldn't help but laugh at this one couple where the wife was pushing and the husband was so caught up in the moment that he was smothering her and you could see her turning her head trying to get a breath!!! Watch out BJ - you do that, and I WILL have to use force! =) I guess, since class has concluded, that this means we are educated and ready... sure - since BJ and I tend to make fun of each other when we're doing the breathing and what-not, then trying to be serious and it not working out so well! I'm sure we'll do just fine once we get in there - BJ took good notes, and I told him it's up to him to tell me what to do and when!!!!

I can't say that I'm "looking forward" to giving birth, but I AM looking forward to FINALLY seeing this little baby that has been wriggling around and punching me the past few months - and I am excited to share the experience of our first child being born with my husband. And, some may think it's kooky, but I am SO GLAD that my mom 1- WANTS to be there, and 2- that she WILL be there! She's going to be able to experience the birth of her baby having a baby, and she' going to see her first grandchild being born. There's something about my mom and our relationship (BJ says God just took a Xerox of Mama and made me) that calms me and gives me strength to get through whatever challenge I am experiencing! And nothing beats a mother's touch and reassuring voice! I am just lucky to have her AND BJ assuring and comforting me through this! And, cooler than that, BJ and Mama have such a great relationship that HE'S excited to have her there too! It's not too far away now!!!!!!!!!

I went to see Stacey, Ryan and little Riley on Monday - he is so teeny, but ADORABLE! He has some feet that aren't so tiny, though - I say basketball must be in his future!!! They went home yesterday, so I'm gonna call and find out how that first night went!?

(Yes, I have pictures, but, no, this site doesn't want to upload them for some reason!? I'll try again today and see if it's in a better mood!?)

Monday, March 27, 2006

Riley Michael

Highlights from the weekend:

- BJ and I got up at 7:30 AM (ok, I did; BJ got up at 8ish) because a lady was coming to give us an estimate/clean our house at 9. Didn't work out that she cleaned, but there's still hope...
- We're up and dressed, so we took BJ's truck to get the oil changed - he fed me and took me to Babies R Us while we waited. Another $100 plus... we can't keep doing this!!!! =)
- The afternoon was spent in the nursery with me in a chair and my feet up (Stormie passed out on my legs, which put them to sleep), while BJ put stuff in drawers and straightened and organized everything! (My husband is the best and sweetest ever!!!)
- We cooked (ok, BJ cooked) steaks, potatoes and fresh squash - yummy dinner!
- More time with my feet up on the couch... after I melted down on BJ yet again! These hormones have got to go!!!
- Sunday morning, we skipped 9:30 church, but BJ and I got up and he made me pancakes for breakfast (my Minnie Mouse pancake was adorable yet delicious).
- Went to church - everyone is so sweet... they tell me how good I look! I just hope the church doesn't burn down with all the "lying" going on!!!!!
- BJ went to work Sunday afternoon, while I took a nap then packed my bag for the hospital! I can't believe I'm close enough to have to think about packing already!!!
- Sunday night, BJ met me back at church, and we did the high school thing - they're always so fun... and, yes, Taylor gets a shout-out for telling me I have elephant legs! Oh, yes, he did!!! It made me laugh, though - not cry! It's Taylor!!!

We needed a relaxing weekend with no engagements - just us on our schedule. We are going to attempt to go out to my parents' next weekend and spend some time with them... Mama and I are a little nervous about being 2 hours from the hospital - more so since I just found out that Stacey (due FOUR DAYS before I am) had her baby yesterday!!!!

Yes, Riley Michael is here - he weighed 4 lbs. 9 oz. and was born 03/26/06 at 12:30 pm. Mom and baby are good - I'm going to visit them tonight, so I don't know why he was so early except that he was ready to see his mommy and daddy!

=( I have pictures - just can't get them to post... I'm working on it! =(

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I can tell what it is now...

OK - sorry for the "cliff-hanger" on my Monday blog, but now I can spill the beans...

BJ dropped me off at the front door of the doctor's office on Monday (we were running a little 'on-time'). I was walking to the elevator, and a head popped around the corner - as I got closer, I realized that the face was a very familiar one... It was Cathy Piper!!!!!!!!! She just started laughing - and I said "I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!! You're SO Busted!!!!!!!!!" She was headed to her ultra sound appointment, and Jason called her to tell her that BJ was dropping me off at the door (b/c he was running late and was meeting Cathy there) - she jumped off the elevator to come meet me! I just can't put into words how excited I was to see them there, and to hear that they were 11 weeks and everything is healthy with the baby and with Cathy! After she got out of her appointment, we yacked on the phone for awhile - but preggy tummies were calling, and she needed to eat!!!! I am SO HAPPY for them; words just don't do it justice!!!! Be sure to keep them in your prayers!!!

That was the exciting part of my doctor's appointment that I couldn't divulge - for obvious reasons! As excited as I am; that's for Cathy and Jason to announce - and I didn't want to take that away! I got the email announcing their "little peanut," so I couldn't wait any longer to update my blog!!!

& LITTLE PEANUT PIPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Can we remember the days?

Well, since I had a house-full of teenage girls last weekend, and I find myself quickly approaching 30 (well, I turn 27 tomorrow), I feel the need to reminisce about "childhood" and the teenage years...

My brother put it best when my mom asked us a couple of years ago what our favorite memory of childhood was (he's 17 months older than me, for the record). As you're reading, Disney World, Utah, Colorado, Florida, Mexico, 4-wheelers, Sea Doos, 1st cars, etc are popping into your mind... here was Bo's profound assessment (and I truly mean profound): "Riding our bikes in circles for hours in the cul-de-sac." Please, take a moment and reflect... it's genius!!!! Explanation: we had not a care or worry in the world - we just rode (and dodged the pebbles that could possibly knock you off your perfect rhythm). Money was not an issue, nor were bills, aches and pains, cleaning, fear of offending others or hurting their feelings - as a child, we could "get away" with saying anything - and we always had plenty of clothes, always had plenty of food, played whatever sport we desired, played outside all day, while the house was clean, the clothes were washed, and dinner was cooked (or bought - as Mama didn't really cook much then - can you tell we had her pretty busy!?). And we never looked at price tags or thought about what it would cost for whatever it was we were doing! I could go on and on...

Teenage years brought more of the same bliss - but did I recognize that or stop to appreciate that? I wish I could say I did, but, if I did, it was rare! Boys and girlfriends enter to cause us to lose some of the childhood "carefreeness" (that's Tammy-nese, for those unfamiliar). Our best friend loves us and hates us - our world may be ending. That guy we had a crush on won't give us the time of day - regardless of how ridiculous I try to make myself look in front of him! Many tears, but yet the "real world" still has not even touched our childhood blissful peace that has surrounded us our entire lives!

I would like to say that I am not THAT far removed from the college days, but it has been almost FIVE years since I graduated!!!! What??? Where??? How??? Even though college brought on more responsibility, all I REALLY had to be concerned with was getting good grades. Everything else showed up - I may have started paying attention to those price tags, but only to be sure there was enough in the account to cover that particular purchase at that time. Not purchasing it was not a question!!!!!!! Graduation (and marriage) brought on the bills - which was like "playing house" at first, until it finally hits you that what you have is what you have - and, OH, a budget may be a good idea!!!!!!!

Here I am, turning 27 tomorrow (I still contest that I am YOUNG), having a baby of my own next month and still feeling like a child myself (which I am A-OK with)!!!! I want Sam to be able to live in that childhood bliss for as long as possible! I am sure there will be frustrating times where I want him to realize that "money doesn't grow on trees," (right, Mom and Dad??? =) but, my goal will be for him to experience that blissful peace and "carefreeness" (that's a good word) as long as he can!

We'll have to check out his blog in 27 years to see how I did... although Blogs will certainly be outdated - who knows? Computers and the internet may be outdated by then!!!!????

Another year older - wiser? Probably not!!!

Monday, March 20, 2006

We Made It

Well, we made it - we're TIRED, but we made it!!! Authentic Weekend was wonderful - the band was awesome, Stuart Hall was awesome, and the kids were awesome - really they were (barring the one incident where a golf cart was flipped)! I counted it up, and between Friday and Saturday nights, we got 10 hours of sleep - definitely not great for a pregnant woman, but, considering the surrounding circumstances, not too bad! Honestly, though, I am glad it's over! By Sunday, I was exhausted! BJ and I left after the 9:30 hour, ran our cars through Carnetts (they were trashed too), and went home.

BJ had a stomach bug or something because he was nauseated all day - bless his heart! I had swollen kankles AND legs and could barely move (seriously, I couldn't bend my knees past 90 degrees b/c of the swelling)! We were a sad sight! We get home, and walk into the crunch-crunch of the house (or what was left of it =). I bet 5 complete pop-tarts could have been made from the crumbs on the kitchen floor!!!! And the living room wasn't much better - 1/2 a bag of Doritos were left on the floor (no, not IN the bag)!!! The nacho cheese kind - and they were ground into the carpet pretty good. Now, plates were provided AND encouraged; however, they weren't used (obviously) - but, my question is: do they do this at home??? If so, their poor parents!!! I know I'm not perfect, but, come on; when you're talking and eating, and half of what you put towards your mouth doesn't make it in, why not pick it up and try again???? Moving onto the bathrooms... thank goodness I kept solace in the master bath - only Lyndsey, Honey and I used that bathroom! The others... well, make-up, hair, two nights, teenage girls... I won't go into more details!!!! Can I just give an honorable mention to the downstairs bathroom, though? I have a decorative "shower" curtain hanging in front of the tub - there is NO REAL shower curtain - just fabric that hangs OUTSIDE of the shower... well, two girls took showers in there anyway!!!??? They "pointed the water toward the wall" at least, so the bathroom and curtain were only mildly soaked!!!!! It's just water... if it was more, I don't want to know - and the bathroom "recovered" just fine!!!!!

Well, walking into that, BJ and I couldn't relax (there was no clean place to put ourselves - even the couch needed a major vacuuming!!!) until we cleaned the house up. We did a big/major cleaning - and we only took about two hours (pretty good considering BJ had to stop to puke a couple of times, and I was grandma-slow moving around!)... then we fell on the couch and stayed there until 8:30... went to bed and slept SO GOOD!!!!!! Good news... BJ felt better this morning, although he still called in sick - his stomach is still not GREAT; and my calves and kankles went down some!

We went to the Dr. this morning - the Keytones were gone (couldn't remember what they were called last time from the lab tests), and they weren't as concerned about my kankles b/c my blood pressure and lab tests were all normal. I am still instructed to wear flip-flops and keep my feet up as much as possible, though! There was another exciting event at the Dr, but I am not yet able to divulge what it was/is... so stay tuned!!!!! IT'S A GOOD ONE!!!!!!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Hormonal Meltdown

Well, Sam and I (Mama took us this time) went to the doctor yesterday. Sam is doing great, although, the Dr. TRIED to worry me by asking if he had been moving... he is a rolly-poly all the time, but I had taken the day off work and was moving around a lot, so I had not felt him but a couple of times. She said that I needed to do kick counts and call them immediately if I had not felt movement. Well, she did an external exam of my belly, and Sam kicked her a good bit - so she backed that train up and said that he was fine!!! BUT, I have now gained SIX pounds in the last two weeks. She was concerned about this (rightfully so), and was asking about my diet. Nothing has changed in how or what I eat - I actually eat pretty healthy... fruits, veggies, etc. If I eat cookies or ice cream or anything, I eat them in moderation - I don't eat dozens of doughnuts or anything!!!!!! Well, then I (actually Mama) showed her my beautiful kankles that are the size of softballs... that explained THAT weight problem - I am retaining fluids, and therefore I have that excess weight to contend with - and it's just in my legs and kankles. I also had keytones in my lab results that indicated high sugar concentrate or something. I've NEVER had to deal with "health" problems before, so this is all hitting me like a ton of bricks - what have I been doing wrong? Can I fix it? Do I have to be this way for the next six weeks???? Consensus: I have to drink 10+ glasses of water a day, eat more frequent small meals, and keep my feet up AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE!!!! I also have to go back and have another lab test on Monday morning (they wanted me to come Friday afternoon, but we have Authentic Weekend starting, so I couldn't logistically make that work =)!!!!

Well, Mama and I went to Wal-Mart, and she got me a 'Bubba Keg' that holds 34 oz. and I am to drink FOUR of those while I'm at work! THEN, I have to drink more once I get home! BJ packed me a lunch of champions... snacks, smaller "lunch" and more snacks! We have had ice bags on my feet each night (which really don't do much more than make my feet feel like FAT ice cubes!!!) That night after the Dr. visit, I melted down on BJ - I really don't know WHY I was crying, I just couldn't stop! He was sweet - and of course wants to know why and what he can do! I guess that's how men operate - problem, fix it, next. I just needed to cry I guess! He was good with that, though! And, for some reason, the next morning, after he left at 6 am, I couldn't go back to sleep and I just laid in bed crying for an hour before I had to get up for work!!! I'm over it now, I guess... I have been dry for a good 24 hours now! It was just a minor hormonal meltdown!!!

Speaking of Authentic Weekend... I have 12 or more girls spending the night last I heard! Should be GREAT for helping me to keep my feet up and relax and NOT be tired!!! Lyndsey is a God-send, though... she called (right after I had gotten back from the Dr. and was all emotional) and said that she would be staying with me too so that she can help me keep them under control!!!! God had everything to do with that!!!! Pray for me this weekend - but pray more-so for the kids - that they will come away from this weekend with a new/refreshed feeling of their faith and God!

Monday, March 13, 2006

My last shower

Well, the title could be a little misleading!!! I have not given up on bathing - I promise! I had my last baby shower on Saturday - it was a Mother/Daughter shower with my friends from High School, and Melissa and her mom (I have only known her since college, but she's still one of my bestest friends in the world... so it seems like I have known her as long as these other girls!). It was a lot of fun - everyone hung around afterwards and we chatted and had some "catch-up" time! We never run out of things to talk about - but we're girls, I guess that's to be expected! Cathy and Jess and Ms. Carole did an awesome job - everything was SO CUTE, and it was obvious that they put a lot of time and thought into everything! The food was SO YUMMY - I had not eaten when I got there, but I did it on purpose, b/c I knew there would be a lot of good food! I think Sam enjoyed it too!!! They will not understand just how much I appreciate all that they did! Mama and Nanny came with me - and between them, we now have all of our "big" stuff... the pack and play, furniture, cradle, breast pump, swing, etc. BJ's dad & Inny got us the travel system this weekend too, so we are completely set with all that kind of stuff!

BJ and I took 'inventory' in the nursery, and made a rather large Target and Babies R Us run to finish off the other items we were missing that we absolutely will need when Sam gets home (sheets, mattress pads, bottles, etc) - just STUFF - that adds up pretty quickly!!!!! We have no complaints whatsoever, though, because this is the first big spending we have had to do for the baby - our family and friends have been SO generous, and we are SO grateful!!!!

Sam has been a rolly-poly lately - it feels like he's huge in there! Tomorrow is class #2 for our birthing classes... They go by quickly, but, man, 10 pm is late when you're getting out and trying to get home! I have another Dr. appointment on Wednesday - Mama is coming to go with me to that one! THEN, this weekend, I have 12 9th and 10th grade girls spending the night on Friday and Saturday night!!!!! I don't know what I was thinking - apparently, I was in my second trimester when I agreed to this and was feeling energetic and not-so-big yet!!!! I have lost sleep stressing, I'm not gonna lie, but it will be great to bond with my girls, and I can sleep later... like, when I'm dead!!!!!!! God knows what He's doing - He may be calling me an idiot from up there on this one, though!? He'll help me through it! It will be worth it, and once the weekend gets going, I will have forgotten that I was stressing! And it will at least give me some good blog stories for next week!!!!!!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Pictures... Finally

Alright... As promised (over a week ago)... Pictures of the nursery!!!! As cute and impressive as it is in the pictures, it's even better in person!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Very Cute, huh??? And Mama says she's not talented or gifted!!!!???? The tree is painted on the wall, and Pooh, Tigger, the butterflies, the honey pot and bumblebees are all made from wood. (Mama free-handed them, then Daddy cut them out and Mama painted them... they're so good!!!!) Also, you may notice the heads hanging off the molding at the top - they did 5 Pooh characters' heads, and Daddy fixed them where they will hang... from the molding that BJ put up with the rope lights in it. You can't really tell, but they are on in the pictures! Again, you just can't get the FULL effect from the pictures! They all worked SO HARD on this... I absolutely love it!!!

Next (and far less exciting), since I'm a picture-posting expert now... I made a diaper cake for Beth and Mattie for one of their showers. It was a table decoration, but it's also USEFUL... I got most of the stuff from their registry - it has cloth diapers, teethers, toys, hat and booties, pacifiers, and all kinds of stuff on it! I was really excited at how well it turned out - although the bear on top looks kinda like a thug, but the sunglasses were too cute to pass up! I must give credit where credit is due - BJ is the reason it actually stands!!! I love the builder/architect in him - I have an idea, and he makes it stand and work!!!!! (We just won't mention the gingerbread house "we" built when we were dating!!! =)

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Class report and a short vent

So our first childbirth class on Tuesday went well - our instructor made it clear that we'll be there until 10 each night - we can sleep on Wednesdays... I always hated classes that started out that way! BJ leaned over to kiss me good-night on Wednesday only to find himself in a puddle of drool - guess I took the teacher literally! =) Nonetheless, she's a good teacher. Random, but a girl that I used to work with and her boyfriend are in our class! Good ministry opportunity, I think! We learned some beginning breathing and relaxation techniques... I think BJ's afraid I'm going to bite his hand off if he touches me (relaxation technique where he touches where I'm tense) when I'm "tense." He could be right, but I didn't know I was that scary!!!

Can I just take a moment and complain??? I know I really DON'T have anything to complain about, but I just need a moment... My legs and ankles are so swollen that I can't wear most of my shoes - even in the AM when I get up!!! I drink fluids like I'm supposed to, avoid salt for the most part (but sometimes those Tostitos call my name and I can't help it), keep my feet raised as much as possible, etc - they actually HURT by the end of the day! Sam has gotten up into my ribs a few times, and it HURTS!!! When I am sitting or laying down, I feel like a turtle that's stuck on it's shell and can't turn over (and I'm sure it's pretty comical to watch) - it's such a production to get myself up - especially from the floor, which I, for some reason, seem determined to sit on the floor an aweful lot! Thank goodness, I still sleep pretty good (reference drooling) - except for the minimum of three trips to the bathroom each night - and my hips - man, they hurt if I stay on one side too long! OK - I'm done with that part now!!!! I'm back to being happy and thankful and all that good stuff!!!

Now the beautiful part: Sam gets the hic-ups pretty much everyday - and I LOVE holding my belly and feeling him. He moves around A LOT, and I LOVE seeing him poke his butt (or something) up through my belly. Look at me, I'm bonding!!!!!

That being said, I can't wait to see him and I'm ready to be "me" again, but I still don't feel like we're ready for him to come home yet!!!!!!!!???????? I wonder if I will reach that point before he's born - we'll find out in six weeks!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Please note change!!!

If you got the recipe for Front Porch Tea from my Feb. 28th blog, please note that there is a change to the recipe! (I re-posted the blog with the correction, so the recipe is right on that post now!) A single recipe only needs ONE can of the lemonade... hope I didn't mess anyone up who may have tried to make it!!!??? If you did, and didn't like it - try again with just one can... I know you'll like it!!! =)

Monday, March 06, 2006


Can I just say that I absolutely LOVE Saturday mornings???? Especially the ones where we have nowhere to be first thing!!!! We sleep as late as we like - which I'm sad to report that I am turning into an old lady and tend to wake up around 7:30 or 8!!! However, I love my bed so much, that laying there for another hour or so is sheer bliss (that's "cuddle" time with Stormie - well, I scratch her belly anyway - and, if I stop, she growls at me - so I keep her happy so as to not wake her daddy!). I usually get on up and make coffee and/or breakfast - being just loud enough to MAYBE wake BJ up. Doesn't usually work, though, so STORMIE gets her squeaky toys going - doesn't usually work either!!! After awhile, Stormie usually goes back upstairs - I think to get BJ up, but after 10 min, I go up to see what's going on... that sorry little thing is laying there with her daddy sawing just as many logs!!!! I can't win with those two!!!

We had dinner Saturday night at Bugaboo Creek... VERY yummy - and we don't always think to go there! We ate with Judge and Kathy - two extremely awesome and wonderful people!!! We had a wonderful time with them... we are going to miss them terribly at Cross Pointe; however, they're still gonna have to stick around to referee when we have those wives vs. husbands game nights!!!

Sunday was a great day too - Anna and I hosted a baby shower for Mattie and Beth... I made a diaper cake that I am quite impressed with! OK - sorry goose - BJ helped (he made it stand =)! We didn't get a chance to download pictures from my camera last night, but when BJ does, I will be sure to share pictures of the diaper cake along with the nursery!

Sam's still kicking up a storm - my ankles are swelling pretty good these days... I'm preparing myself for the likelihood that the rest of me will start to swelling as we approach the end! We start our childbirthing classes tomorrow night, and go for 4 Tuesday nights straight (7-10)... I bet these videos will be even more graphic than the breastfeeding ones!!!!!!! BJ should be entertaining for those three hours!!!!!!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Bless their hearts!

So my parents worked at their house on Monday on nursery stuff - all day... Then, they came to my house Tuesday and worked till late again, came back again Wednesday and worked till late again; they are now one their way BACK over here again!!!! This nursery, first of all, is ADORABLE, but BLESS THEIR HEARTS!!!!! They have to be SO tired! I keep telling them to spend the night - or take a break, but they keep saying they're almost done (their house is a little over 1 1/2 hours away). They are almost done, and I'm telling you - it is going to be awesome! Way better than any of us dreamed of. Mama keeps adding stuff - little touches here and there. I'm not going to even try and describe what it looks like... I PROMISE to take pictures this weekend and figure out how to post them - heck, you may just need to see it in person!!!! Nonetheless, I promise to put pictures in! PRAY for my parents - they're tired and sore, but are so excited about what they are doing! They're so great!

Sam and I (and BJ - but he didn't get checked out, although, he told the nurse she should have been weighing him along with me to see how much he's gained during the pregnancy too =) went to the doctor yesterday. We are both healthy - he kicked the doctor again when she was listening to his heart! It's so funny - even the doctor jumped back when he kicked! I gained 4 more pounds - get ready, I'm swelling right on up!!! We go back in two more weeks!

Update on the registry: Target called yesterday to apologize for the additions to my registry. It was as Daddy said - someone else scanned and had nothing on their registry, b/c it all ended up on ours!!!! At least they noticed, and she had noticed that I had already noticed... she was really apologetic, but I was just laughing about it!!!!! Fun times!!!!